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Come Follow Me- For Primary, July 19-25, D&C 81-83, Free LDS Primary lesson helps.

Updated: Jul 24, 2021

LDS Free Primary lesson helps, Prayer, Dear Heavenly Father, we thank thee, we ask thee, I feel my savior's love, lesson on service for children and kids, activities, How do I serve others? Serving like Jesus, Come follow Me 2021, interactive primary songs

I should pray always.

When the Lord called Frederick G. Williams to be a counselor to the Prophet Joseph Smith, He counseled Frederick to be “faithful … in prayer always.”

Possible Activities

  • Read to the children the Lord’s counsel to be “faithful … in prayer always, vocally and in thy heart, in public and in private” (Doctrine and Covenants 81:3). Explain what it means to pray in our hearts, and share a personal example. Help the children think of times when they can pray “in public and in private.”

My kids did this passport during quarantine and it was a fantastic way for them to practice praying in different places, "public and private."

LDS Free Primary lesson helps, prayer passport, Faithful in prayer always D&C 81:3

I've updated the passport with a new scripture on the front.

LDS Free Primary lesson helps, prayer passport, Faithful in prayer always D&C 81:3

This is a sorting activity, where there children can decide on if it is prayer they say in their hearts or formally.

(Just click on the picture)

  • Teach the children how to pray. Emphasize that they can thank Heavenly Father for their blessings and ask Him for what they need. A song about prayer, such as “I Thank Thee, Dear Father” (Children’s Songbook, 7), can help the children know what to say in their prayers. Give each child a turn to say a brief prayer.

Steps of LDS prayer, I pray in Faith, I begin by saying dear Heavenly Father, thank him for blessings. Free LDS primary lesson helps, building a ice cream sundae

Ask the children to think of things they might thank Heavenly Father for or ask Him for. Let them draw pictures of these things and share them with the class.

What things do you say when you pray, free LDS coloring pages

If you are looking for a treat to pass out after the lesson is over (or to make as a family), here is a recipe for prayer pretzels:

Prayer pretzels, Free LDS primary lesson helps

This week has some fun ides for prayer:

I can serve those around me.

Heavenly Father knows the needs of each of His children, and He often uses other people—like the children you teach—to help meet those needs. How can you help the children recognize the needs of others and serve them?

Possible Activities

  • Read Doctrine and Covenants 81:5 to the children, and help them understand phrases like “succor the weak” and “lift up the hands which hang down.” Let them act out ways we can do what the Lord asks in this verse. Use pictures or videos to tell simple stories of Jesus Christ serving others (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 41, 42, 46, 47, 55; How can we follow the Savior’s example of helping others?

Make these little books and read them together as a class. They can then take their books home for a little coloring book. Tell the stories about Jesus when you get to the pictures or have the children tell about what they know about the picture.

How do I serve others? Service like Jesus served
How do I serve others? Service like Jesus served

I still have not had the chance to do this activity with my Sunbeams. If it's the same for you, click on it, to take you to the page where you can print it.

  • Sing the fourth verse of “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75) or another song about service. Tell about a time when someone helped you feel the Savior’s love by serving you.

I altered this song to fit the 4th verse, but I also have the original 1st verse available if you want to teach both.

4th verse of I feel my Savior's love, Service. Free LDS interactive primary songs

Read Doctrine and Covenants 82:19 to the children, emphasizing the phrase “seeking the interest of his neighbor.” Explain that this means doing things that help our neighbors—including our family. Help the children think of ways they can serve someone this week.

Here is a secret service bundle you might enjoy.

Secret Service, Free LDS primary lesson helps

Download bundle HERE

For instructions on the bundle you can go here:

Secret Service Bingo, Free LDS primary lesson helps

God promises blessings when I obey Him.

As they grow, children may wonder why God gives us so many commandments. You can help the children understand that He gives us commandments to bless us.

Possible Activities

Print two for matching game.

(Print Two)

  • Read to the children, “I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say” (Doctrine and Covenants 82:10). Ask the children to repeat this phrase several times with you, and think of ways to help them remember it, such as inviting them to clap to the rhythm of the phrase. Testify that when we obey God’s commandments, He keeps His promises to us.

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

I can pray “vocally and in [my] heart.”

How can you inspire the children to turn to the Lord “in prayer always” when they are in need?

Possible Activities

  • Invite someone to read Doctrine and Covenants 81:3, and ask the children what it means to pray “in [your] heart.” Share an experience when you prayed aloud or in your heart and the Lord helped you. Also ask the children to share their own experiences. How can prayer bring us closer to Heavenly Father?

  • Read or sing with the children a hymn about prayer, such as “Did You Think to Pray?” or “Secret Prayer” (Hymns, nos. 140, 144). Invite the children to share a phrase from the hymn that helps them understand something about prayer. Give them time to ponder what they can do to improve their prayers and then write their ideas.

God wants me to serve and strengthen those in need.

Help the children understand that there are many ways they can serve their family, friends, and neighbors every day.

Possible Activities

  • Draw pictures of hands and knees on the board. Ask the children to read Doctrine and Covenants 81:5 to learn what the Lord says about these body parts. Watch the video “Pass It On” (, or share how you and the children have seen people serve each other. How can we be more aware of people in need around us? Invite the children to serve at least one person this week. For ideas about ways to serve others, sing a song about service, such as “Have I Done Any Good?” (Hymns, no. 223).

  • Invite the children to take turns setting up dominoes (or similar objects) while naming ways they can serve others. Ask a child to knock over one domino and notice how it affects the others. How can our service have a similar effect on people around us? (See also the video “Dominoes,” Tell about how someone’s loving service encouraged you to serve someone else.

God promises blessings when I obey Him.

As the children develop trust in God’s promises, their willingness to obey His commandments will grow.

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to imagine they have a friend who thinks that God has given too many commandments. Ask them to search Doctrine and Covenants 82:8–10 for something that would help their friend understand why God gives commandments. Share how God’s commandments have blessed you, and invite the children to share their thoughts as well.

  • To help the children understand Heavenly Father’s promises to us, divide the class into three groups, and give each group one of the following scriptures to read: Doctrine and Covenants 1:37–38; 82:10; 130:20–21. Invite them to share what they learn about Heavenly Father’s promises. How does our obedience affect the blessings we can receive? Help the children think of examples from their lives or from the scriptures when obedience brought blessings from God.

  • Share a personal experience that testifies of the principles taught in Doctrine and Covenants 82:8–10. How have you come to trust in the Lord and His promises?

See you next week!

Love, Crystal


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12 comentarios

25 jul 2021

Thank you so much for all of your drawings, ideas and for reprinting the actual lesson on your site! What an AMAZING resource and gift of service to the primary children and teachers of the world! 🥰

Me gusta
25 jul 2021
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Yes! I love drawing and I love the primary manual, it is so inspired. I’m grateful I can give something back. Thanks for taking time to be grateful 🥰.

Me gusta

Samisoni Mary Ann Uasilaa
Samisoni Mary Ann Uasilaa
25 jul 2021

I'm just a substitute at the last minute, I want to thank you for your site. I'm able to prepare with short notice for primary. I appreciate you. Thanks again!

Me gusta
25 jul 2021
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You are sure welcome! I think that would be fun calling to be a permanent primary substitute. You are living my dream. Thanks for reaching out from what looks like a very exotic place. Where are you from?

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Ashley Ottley Dansie
Ashley Ottley Dansie
25 jul 2021

My sunbeam companion told me about your site. Wow, I can't thank you enough for the time and talent you have given to so many. This is amazing. What an amazing gift. Thank you!

Me gusta
25 jul 2021
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Your welcome. Sunbeams is the best calling right?! I feel like I won the lottery. 😉

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Nadia Holladay
Nadia Holladay
25 jul 2021

Wow! This is amazing! Thank you so much!

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Susan Eck
Susan Eck
24 jul 2021

So much appreciate all you do! Just FYI, You accidentally titled this one "June".

Me gusta
24 jul 2021
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Thanks so much! I’ll get that fixed.

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