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Come follow Me 2021, Feb. 1-7, D&C 10-11, LDS Activities for kids, LDS free primary lesson helps

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Feb 2, 2021

Come follow Me 2021, Feb 1-7, Doctrine covenants 10-11, Free LDS primary lesson helps, Free come follow me printable's, free LDS coloring pages, sorting, LDS scenarios for choosing the right, slide, interactive printable for CTR, The Holy Ghost leads me to do good. Did you think to pray? free Prayer chart for LDS children. Pray Always, How will praying help us?

Come follow Me- For Primary "Ask the children to share what they remember from a previous lesson about Martin Harris and the lost pages of the Book of Mormon translation. Share any details they don't remember. You may want to refer to:

D&C 10:5

When I pray always, Heavenly Father will bless me.

Sometimes children think they can only pray at specific times and places, and only if they are kneeling or closing their eyes. How can you help them learn how to "pray always"?

Here is a sorting activity that helps teach this. Read the scenario and have the child choose if this is a prayer we say in our hearts or formally (folding arms, closing eyes). Emphasize, that we can "pray always."

Prayer activities for LDS children, Come follow me 2021, D&C 10:5, Pray always, free printable's, LDS free primary lesson helps

Prayer activities for LDS children, Come follow me 2021, D&C 10:5, Pray always, free printable's, LDS free primary lesson helps

Show pictures of things we do often, such as eating, sleeping, or playing. How do these things help us? Display a picture of a child praying while you read from Doctrine and covenants 10:5 the words "pray always." Ask the children to repeat these words several times. How will praying help us?

Free LDS clipart praying children. How does praying help us? Free Come follow Me 2021, LDS free coloring pages, for prayer

Invite the children to make a list of some of the times when we can pray and places where we can pray. For additional ideas, encourage them to look in Alma 34:17-27.

Here is a recycled coloring book that shows children praying in different places. At the end they get to draw where they would like to pray.

I think it is wonderful to reference back to the Book of Mormon to help teach a principal.

Praying free LDS coloring pages, coloring book, Come follow Me 2021, God hears our prayers, Alma 33:4-11

You can get this Here

Help the children create a small sign or picture that will remind them to pray always. Invite them to hang their signs in their homes where they will see them regularly.

Did you think to pray? Come follow Me 2021, free LDS coloring pages for prayer. Hang on the door.

And a chart so they can commit to praying morning and night.

D&C 10:5, Pray always, that you may come off conqueror. Free LDS Prayer chart

D&C 11:12-13

The Holy Ghost leads me to do good.

Hide a lightbulb or flashlight and a picture of a happy face somewhere in the room. Ask the children to find these items. Read D&C 11:13, and help the children identify words that relate to the items they found. What do these words teach about how the Holy Ghost helps us?

I love it, I would just change one thing...look for these things in a dark room with a flashlight.

Also I added one more picture, to help review last weeks lesson (about how we feel the spirit in our heart and mind), and because this scripture mentions mind too. If you write out the scripture on a white board and leave blanks, the kids can feel them in with the pictures they found, in the dark. If you don't have a chalk board, you can use my printable.

D&C 11:13, teaching the scriptures to children. LDS free primary lesson helps, Come Follow me 2021

Come follow Me- For Primary “Give children several situations in which they would need to make a choice between right and wrong- such as to tell the truth or to lie, or the choice to be kind or mean. How can we know which choice is the right one? Read together D&C 11:12, and testify that the Holy Ghost will help us make the right choice if we listen to him.

Scenarios and situations for choosing the Right. CTR, LDS free primary lesson helps

This slide activity was super fun to make. Don't forget to read the "situations" page, that go with this activity.

The holy Ghost leads me to do good, slide, interactive printable, free LDS primary lesson helps, Come follow me 2021, interactive lesson helps for families

The holy Ghost leads me to do good, slide, interactive printable, free LDS primary lesson helps, Come follow me 2021, interactive lesson helps for families

Sing a song about the guidance of the Holy Ghost...Ask the children what the song teaches them about how the Holy Ghost helps us.

The still small voice, LDS primary song, clipart, interactive printable, Free LDS primary lesson helps

Print this Here

This is last weeks lesson, incase you missed it...but it is also about the Holy Ghost, so it's a good review.

D&C 11:21, 26

I need to know the gospel so I can help others find the truth.

Invite the children to share a scripture that they like and explain why they like it. Let them talk about how the scriptures bless their lives and what they are doing to study God's word at home. Encourage them to set goals to read God's word more often.

Here is a fantastic idea from Mitzi at

The lesson plan and instructions are on the third page.

Mitzi has actually edited these instructions, so be sure to go to her page if you are looking for more info on this game.

I would like to share with you a very proud Mama moment.

My daughter brought this home from school today. She could have chosen so many things, but I love that she chose Come follow Me. It is such a testimony to my of our inspired prophet and loving Heavenly Father that challenged us to do do this in our homes.

I'm on my way to the (some what) sunny St. George Ut. So excited! Just me and my best girls. Hope you also have a great weekend.





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Florzinha Alves
Florzinha Alves
Feb 03, 2021

Bom dia minha querida,obrigada pela a tradução em português. você e maravilhosa tenha uma semana abençoada.. bjs


Feb 02, 2021
Você é bem-vindo. Estou feliz que você tenha gostado do material. Está chegando, desculpe, é tarde.

Florzinha Alves
Florzinha Alves
Feb 02, 2021

Olá boa tarde irmã,espero que esteja tudo bem com vc e sua família. só queria saber se não vai ter mais traduzido em português? obrigada irma pelo seu lindo trabalho me ajuda muito bjs


Feb 01, 2021

You go ahead and translate. That’s great you have that talent.


Carolina Isabel Silva de Aquino
Carolina Isabel Silva de Aquino
Feb 01, 2021

Oh yeah! She's amazing! I imagine how busy it is for her now.

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