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Come Follow Me- For Primary 2022, May 30-June 5, Free LDS Primary lesson helps.

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: May 27, 2022

Come Follow Me- For Primary 2022, Free LDS primary lesson helps, May 30- June 5, The Lord can use small things to do a great work, Story of Joshua and his army, "Raise up a deliverer" Savior Jesus Christ, Free LDS coloring pages, coloring activity book, pitcher, sword, lamp, and shield

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

Jesus Christ is my Savior.

When the Israelites prayed to the Lord, He raised up a deliverer for them. Help the children see that Jesus Christ is the Deliverer whom God has raised up for us.

Possible Activities

  • Explain to the children that when the Israelites stopped keeping God’s commandments, they lost His protection and were defeated by their enemies. Read from Judges 3:9 the phrase “the children of Israel cried unto the Lord.” What did the Israelites do when they needed help? Share an experience when you prayed for help and God answered your prayer.

If you would like to download this from the churches website you can go HERE

Read from Judges 3:9 the phrase “the Lord raised up a deliverer,” and invite the children to repeat it with you a few times. Explain that a deliverer is someone who saves us. Show the children several pictures of people, including a picture of Jesus Christ, and place the pictures face down on the floor. Let the children take turns turning over the pictures, finding the picture of Jesus, and holding it up. Testify that Jesus Christ is the Deliverer whom God has raised up to save us from sin and death.

Deliver, someone who saves us, activity for LDS children

The Lord can use small things to do great work.

Gideon considered himself poor and insignificant, but God saw him as a “mighty man of valour” (Judges 6:12). Help the children see that even if they feel small, God can work through them to do important things (see Alma 37:6–7).

Possible Activities

  • Tell the children that the Lord needed someone to help Him save Israel from their enemies, the Midianites, and He chose Gideon. Read Judges 6:15 to the children, and ask them why Gideon didn’t feel he could do what the Lord wanted. Read verse 16, and ask them who the Lord said would help Gideon. Tell the children about a time when the Lord asked you to do something difficult to serve Him and you felt He was with you.

(Click on the picture to take you to the movie.)

  • Display pictures of children or youth doing great things in the service of God (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 19, 23, 90, 102), or tell about examples you have seen. Help the children think of ways they can participate in God’s work, and invite them to draw pictures of themselves doing these things.

The Lord can use small things to do Great Work. Coloring activity book. Free LDS primary activity book for come follow me
The Lord can use small things to do Great Work. Coloring activity book. Free LDS primary activity book for come follow me

Use this week’s activity page to teach the children about how the Lord made Israel’s army smaller so the Israelites would know that His power had saved them from their enemies. Share examples of small things that do a great work, such as bees gathering nectar to make honey. Bear your testimony that God can help us do a great work, even when we feel small.

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

Jesus Christ is my Deliverer.

Judges 3 describes a cycle that you can use to teach the children that God delivers us from sin through the Savior Jesus Christ.

Possible Activities

  • Write the following on the board: “did evil,”cried unto the Lord,” and “raised up a deliverer.” Invite some of the children to find these phrases in Judges 3:7–9, and invite others to find them in Judges 3:12–15. Explain to the children that over and over in the book of Judges, the Israelites “did evil.” Then, when their enemies attacked, they “cried unto the Lord,” and the Lord “raised up a deliverer” to help them. What do we learn about the Lord from this cycle?

  • Sing a song together that helps the children understand that Jesus Christ is their Redeemer and Deliverer, such as “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35). Invite the children to share their feelings about what the Savior has done to deliver us from sin, trials, sorrow, and death.

Click on the image to take you to the church's website

I can be faithful to the Lord even if others are not.

Although many of the Israelites fell away from the Lord, some remained true to Him and were able to help many others return to righteousness. How can you encourage the children to stay true to the Lord no matter what others are doing?

Possible Activities

  • Tell the children that during a time when the Israelites had been wicked, a righteous woman named Deborah and the commander of the Israelites’ army, Barak, delivered Israel from their enemies (see Judges 4:1–15). Read together Judges 4:14, and ask the children to find something Deborah said that showed that her faith in the Lord was strong. Then ask them to read Doctrine and Covenants 84:88 to find a principle that is also in Judges 4:14. Encourage them to share what the Lord’s promise “I will go before your face” means to them.

  • Sing a song about obeying the commandments, such as “Choose the Right” (Hymns, no. 239) or “Choose the Right Way” (Children’s Songbook, 160–61). How can we stand for righteousness and obey the commandments even when others around us do not?

God’s ways are different from the world’s ways.

The Lord asked Gideon to do things that he probably didn’t understand at the time. What inspires you about his story? How do you feel it can bless the children you teach?

Possible Activities

  • Ask the children to imagine that they needed to gather an army together to go to battle. How many people would they want in their army? Using Judges 7:4–7, invite the children to act out how the Lord helped Gideon choose the army that would deliver Israel from the Midianites. Why did the Lord want Gideon’s army to be so small? (see Judges 7:2). Why might following the Lord’s command have been hard for Gideon and his army? Invite the children to share experiences when they learned to trust the Lord even though doing so was hard.

  • Invite the children to draw pictures of a sword, shield, trumpet, lamp, and pitcher. Ask the children which of these objects they would take with them into a battle. Invite them to read Judges 7:16 to learn what Gideon’s army took with them. Why would it have taken courage to do this? Read together Judges 7:19–21 to learn how the army used the trumpets and pitchers to defeat the Midianites. What do we learn about the Lord from this story?

I've been working on pillow gifts for YW girls camp, there are some fun tags(: Just click on the images.

Here is a cute gift tags for Father's Day.

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12 commentaires

05 juin 2022

Thanks so much for the pride cycle!

05 juin 2022
En réponse à

Oh good I'm glad you like it.


Roxy Dietrich
Roxy Dietrich
04 juin 2022

I teach an 8 year old boy with autism and he is a visual learner. we run the class very similar to a sunbeam class and these lessons are so helpful! 💗

05 juin 2022
En réponse à

This is so neat! Thanks for sharing!


04 juin 2022

Thank you!!!!! A sunbeam teacher needs all she can get to help these beautiful children understand Jesus Christ! You are amazing!!!!!

05 juin 2022
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I love Sunbeams! God bless you in your service.


Darcie Kay
Darcie Kay
04 juin 2022

Thanks for doing these, my sunbeams love them. I always tell people to use your lessons, they are amazing!

05 juin 2022
En réponse à

Ah! Thanks for sharing.


Aru Kilori
Aru Kilori
03 juin 2022

Thank you so much, my kids love this lessons.

05 juin 2022
En réponse à

I'm so glad! Thanks for reaching out.


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