D&C 45:32
"I can stand in holy places."
Place pictures of a home, a church building, and a temple in different places throughout the room. Give clues describing these places, and invite the children to stand near the pictures you are describing. Read the first line from D&C 45:32. Testify that we are blessed when we spend time in holy places like our homes, our church buildings, and the temple. Ask the children how they feel when they are in holy places like these.
These would also make great coloring pages, printed in black and white.

D&C 45:44-45
Jesus Christ will come again.

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"Sing a song about the Savior's Second Coming, such as "When He Comes Again" (CSB 82-83). Use the song to discuss ways we can prepare for Jesus to come again, such as by doing God's will and letting our light shine for others."

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Mitzi at Comefollowmekid.com has a cute lamp activity, and other ideas for preparing for the second coming.
Older Children
D&C 45:3-5
Jesus Christ is our Advocate with the Father.
"Help the children define the word advocate, perhaps by looking it up in a dictionary. What did the Savior do that made it possible for Him to be our Advocate? Share your feelings about what Jesus Christ has done for us, and let the children share their feelings.”
Have each of the children put a sign on (or print on sticker paper). Position them like they were in a court room. Ask each of them what their job is. Point out that the defense attorney's job is to be an advocate to the defendant. Even though the defendant might have done something wrong, the defense attorney (Jesus) will plead his case to the judge (Heavenly Father). Read D&C 45:3-5, testify that because Jesus carried our sorrows and pain he is the only one qualified to be our advocate. Testify of His love for us and our love for Him as the primary manual suggests.

On a personal note. My father was a defense attorney. The small interaction I had with his clients, they didn't seem worthy of my father's help. He often visited prison's and put himself in situations that weren't ideal. My father died at the young age of 54, I was only 28 years old. I'm very proud of him and how he was, in a way, a representation of our Savior.

Smaller for those that want to print on sticker paper, or make it more as a name tag then a sign.

Ask the children how they know when a new season is near. What signs do they look for? Explain that just as there are signs of a new season, there are signs of the Second Coming. Read together D&C 45:37-38. What did Jesus say that the signs of His Second coming would be like? To help the children discover the signs we should be looking for, assign each child to read a few verses from D&C 45 that describe the signs. Verses 26-27, 31-33, 40-42 could be used, for example. Let the children share what they found. Which of these signs are being fulfilled today?
Cut out the pictures and scriptures. Line up the pictures and pass out the scriptures. Have the children read their scriptures and match them up to the correct picture.

Português - Clique aqui
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful materials, it's easy to me to teach my little children especially our Primary children's as well. Really do appreciate, may our Heavenly Father bless you always. ❤❤
Thank you very much for the wonderful material that you share with us, since last year I have been working with your material with my two daughters of 3 and 6 years old and they have understood better everything with the material that you present us, but for a few weeks I have not found the material in Spanish :( I would really like it to be included again. With all my heart thank you for what you share
These look amazing. I've been praying for a way to get my 8 and 6 year old more engaged in our lessons at home. Thank you for these fun and interactive ideas! I'm going to try them out this week:)
I can't thank you enough for your site! I just got called to teach CTR 4 in our ward, so I was thinking to find the cute stuff I wanted it would cost me. Again thank you, I sincerely appreciate everything you share with us!
I love using your site. I think a few of the Spanish ones did not get linked up. It has it imprimir aquí but there is no link. Is that a mistake or are they just not in Spanish this week?