"Read Moroni 4:3 and 5:2 to the children and share why they take the sacrament every week. Ask them to suggest things the children can do to help them think about Jesus during the sacrament and remember Him always."
Come follow Me- for Primary page 185 "Sing a song that helps children think about Jesus, such as "Reverently, Quietly" (CSB 26), Ask the children to practice sitting reverently like they would during the sacrament."
Here is a recycled week on the Sacrament.
You can find this Here
Read phrases from Moroni 6:1-3 that teach who can be baptized...Tell about how you were prepared to be baptized, or ask someone who was recently baptized to explain how he or she prepared. Help the children think of ways they can prepare to be baptized someday.
Here is a baptism bundle I have put together of past activities.
Download bundle Here
Come Follow Me- For primary page 186 “Ask the children why they like going to church, and help them name some of the things we do at church. Read to them some of these things from Moroni 6:4-6, 9, and invite them to act out or draw pictures of themselves doing some of these things (such as praying, preaching, singing, and partaking of the sacrament).”
For Older Children
The Holy ghost is a sacred gift.
"The gift of the Holy Ghost is given through the laying on of hands."
Good time to learn the 5th article of Faith
For a boy:
For a girl: