Mosiah 4:1-3,10
Come Follow Me- For Primary page 61 "Help the children learn about he wonderful gift of repentance that is available because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ."
I did a slider last week and I had so much fun I had to do another one.
Use Mosiah 4:1-3 and 10 to teach the children what it means to repent. For example, help them discover that King Benjamins people felt (1) sorry about their sins and (2) asked for forgiveness (3) forsake, or stop doing their sins (verse 10). Read verse 3 to them, and ask how the people felt when they repented.
Come follow Me- For Primary page 62 “Draw a heart on the board. Invite the children to share ways they can be kind to others. Each time they share, erase the heart and draw a bigger one. Testify that our love for others grows as we are kind to them.”
Give the children paper hearts, and invite them to draw on the hearts ways they can show love and be kind.
Help the children come up with actions to do as they sing a song about loving others, such as "Love One Another" Children's Song Book 136.
I really love this song and I love how this turned out:
Here is a cute coloring page that folds.
For a girl:
For a boy:
Mitzi from pointed out that the Friend says:
"Do a family kindness challenge! Set out a small jar. Though-out the week, put a small object in the jar every-time you do something kind. Can you fill it to the top?
Here are some stickers, you just have to print them on sticker paper:
You can print those stickers Here
Or if it is easier, you can have your kids color this jar in:
Ponder how you can help the children you teach prepare to make baptismal convents with God and be called "the children of Christ."
I love this scripture and had to come up with a visual for it.
Help the children create badges displaying the name "Jesus Christ" and attach them to their shirts over their hearts.
If you don't want to do badges, you can teach the similar principal with these coloring pages.
Yay! Sister Daniels is back for another week of Junior Primary.
She got the might change of heart printable from
Share a story that illustrates repentance, repentance, perhaps from your own life or from a recent Church magazine.
Bunch of stories about repentance here:
Here is a printable for Senior Primary, I will be using this in my YouTube lesson, so if you want to print his out, so you can follow along, make things more interactive.
Sister Daniels Junior Primary lesson is coming.
Chante Adopt from Primary Online- (Youtube) edited my video. Believe me big improvements. She a rock star and has tons of videos geared for children.