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Come Follow me, Nov 18-24, Youth lesson YM & YW

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Nov 16, 2024

Come Follow me, LDS youth lessons, Nov 18-24, Free quote card, Kings, Ether 10-12

I can become a Christlike leader.

Chapters 7–11 of Ether cover at least 28 generations. Although little detail can be given in such little space, a pattern quickly emerges about the consequences of righteous and wicked leadership. What do you learn about leadership from the examples—negative and positive—of the kings listed below?

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave helpful counsel about leadership in his message “The Greatest among You” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 78–81). Consider studying this message—especially the stories that he tells—looking for principles or patterns of Christlike leadership. When have you seen these principles or patterns demonstrated in people who lead?

As you ponder what you’ve learned, think about opportunities you have to lead or influence others in your home, community, Church calling, and so on. How can you develop qualities of Christlike leadership, even if you don’t have a specific leadership assignment?

See also, “Principles of Leadership in the Church,” General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 4.2, Gospel Library.

K, this is going to be fun. I just did a murder mystery with a bunch of teenagers in my home for my son's birthday. Youth really do like to act like other people. And some of these Kings are quite funny. If you have a class full of girls, you can change the names to Queens(: But still do the same activity.

First start with a question similar to this:

If you were made King or Queen of the world for a day, what would you do?

Start with someone and go around the circle so everyone has a minute to answer. I'm suspecting some really kind answers like "World peace." But maybe also some selfish. Both are great.

Then share this quote:

When appropriate, pass out these name tags, there are 10 total kings. If you don't have enough students, you will need to get your leaders involved and some people might need to be two people. Notice King Jared has the longest part. Give that to a capable student, or have a teacher help. Everyone else has pretty short parts.

This prints are in the lesson bundle in my store.

Also graph the behavior of these kings. Your board will look something like this:

Bring tape in case you go off the board, it could very well happen in this lesson(: number 1 being the worst, 10 is the best, youth say this all the time "that person is a 8!"(: It's a compliment.

If you are worried about drawing straight lines, you don't have to draw lines (well maybe two). I created scripture cards that help the students say the scriptures in first person, they can dual purpose as your graphing boxes. I will show you how it works.

You will have to write numbers. The scripture cards are measured by inches, they can help you know where to place your numbers. Notice how every two inches is where my line/ number went.

There are some blank cards, so the youth can vote and add more, but bring some scissors because the youth can also chop them down. OR even go in the negatives.

I could not think of anything to go with this weeks lesson, except maybe a "King" size candy bar(: Which is pretty expensive. But I do have this gift tag that goes with Thanksgiving.

Also lots of Christmas options:

It might look like this, when you are done, but you aren't really done!:

Talk about this pattern, have we ever seen it in the scriptures before? Have we ever seen it in our lives? I haven't killed my Father, but I am so grateful for daily repentance because I often fall into the pride cycle.

The youth might think you are done, but you aren't.

You will then add, the Jesus Christ piece to the graph.

Of course Jesus Christ is a 100 out of 10, he is perfect, but lets take a look at how he leads so we can be more like Him.

There are 3 last pieces to give to the youth, if you have time to look up the scriptures that is great, if you are out of time I've given a short summary on the pieces.

It will look like this when you are done. But you aren't done yet(: Until you bear your personal testimony of Jesus Christ and His example of leadership.

You may want to point out that even the best King, (in my graphing it was Lib) still wasn't perfect. None us can live a 10 out of 10 life. But if we are striving to be more like the Savior, he can help us be a 10 out of 10 through His atonement.

If you still have time you can watch this video:

Only one free print today, I hope my free ideas, still help.



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