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Come follow me- For Primary 2022, Free LDS primary lesson helps, Feb 28-March 6, Genesis 28–33.

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Mar 2, 2022

Jacob and Esau, Genesis 28, Come Follow Me- for primary, free LDS primary lesson helps, LDS coloring pages, covenants help us return to Heavenly Father, Stand for the Right primary song, for children

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

Covenants help me return to Heavenly Father.

In a dream, Jacob saw a ladder leading up to heaven. The steps on the ladder can represent covenants we make with God, because these covenants help prepare us to return to His presence.

Possible Activities

  • Read Genesis 28:12–13 to the children. Explain that the steps on the ladder can represent covenants that help us return to Heavenly Father. Invite the children to pretend they are climbing a ladder as you talk about times when we promise to obey God, such as when we are baptized, take the sacrament, or go to the temple. Help the children think of ways they can prepare to make covenants when they are baptized.

Covenants help us return to heavenly Father, Free LDS primary lesson helps,

Read Genesis 28:15 to the children, emphasizing the words “I am with thee” and “I will not leave thee.” Explain that God has promised to always be with us as we try to choose the right. Help the children think of things they can do to feel closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Besides being a coloring page, you can laminate this and with dry erase markers draw each of the children in your class, and tell them the scripture, then erase it and draw the next child. Or have them draw themselves and erase it for the next child.

For Senior Primary:

I should always keep my promises.

Jacob agreed to work for Laban for seven years so that he could marry Laban’s daughter Rachel. Jacob kept this agreement, but Laban did not. Consider using this story to teach the children about the importance of keeping our promises.

Possible Activities

  • Read Genesis 29:18, 20 to the children, and explain that Jacob kept his promise to work seven years for Laban so he could marry Rachel, even though this was a long time to work (see also “Jacob and His Family” in Old Testament Stories). Help the children think of promises they might make to other people. Why is it important to keep our promises? Help them understand that a covenant is a sacred promise between God and each of us. Bear your testimony that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ always keep Their promises.

(You can click on the picture to take you there)

Sing together and discuss a song about honesty, such as “I Believe in Being Honest” or “Stand for the Right” (Children’s Songbook, 149, 159).

Here is a cute movie about being honest.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help me love my family.

Most children know what it’s like to be angry with a sibling. The story of how Jacob and Esau overcame their anger toward each other may be inspiring to them.

Possible Activities

  • Help the children remember why Esau was angry at Jacob (see Genesis 27:41 or “Jacob and Esau” in Old Testament Stories). Ask the children to show you what an angry face looks like. Explain that after many years, Jacob was afraid to visit Esau. Ask the children to show you what a scared face looks like. What should we do when we are afraid? Invite the children to pretend to pray while you read what Jacob said in his prayer (see Genesis 32:11). Then read in Genesis 33:4 what happened when Esau saw Jacob. Ask the children to show you how Jacob’s and Esau’s faces might have looked when they saw each other again.

  • Show the picture of Jacob and Esau found in this outline. Let the children describe what they see in the picture. Tell them that there had been bad feelings between these two brothers, but they chose to forgive each other.

Here is last weeks coloring page, incase you missed it.

Jacob and Esau free LDS coloring page
  • Help the children think of how they could show more love to someone in their family, just as Jacob and Esau showed love to each other.

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

Covenants help me return to Heavenly Father.

You can use Jacob’s dream of a ladder ascending into heaven to teach the children that keeping our covenants prepares us to enter God’s presence.

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to read Genesis 28:10–15 and then draw a picture of Jacob’s dream. Ask them to share their pictures. Explain that the ladder represented a way for Jacob to return to God. What has God given to help us return to Him? (see this week’s activity page). Remind the children of their baptismal covenant. How does living this covenant bring us closer to God?

  • Show a picture of a temple, and write on the board key phrases from Genesis 28:15–17, such as: “I am with thee,” “The Lord is in this place,” “The house of God,” or “The gate of heaven.” Invite the children to find these phrases. Tell the children about how the temple and temple covenants help you feel close to the Lord.

Ugh, some of the arrows will be upside down when matched tot he temple, hopefully you can have fun with that(:

I believe in being honest.

Jacob kept his promise to serve Laban for seven years, but Laban tricked him. How can you use this story to help the children understand the importance of being honest even when others are dishonest?

Click on the picture to take you to the movie

Possible Activities

  • Read together Genesis 29:16–30, and help the children summarize the events in these verses. How did Jacob react to being tricked? What can we learn from this account?

  • On the board write What happens when we are dishonest? and What happens when we are honest? Invite the children to find answers by reading “Honesty and Integrity” (in For the Strength of Youth [2011], 19).

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help me love my family.

Esau was mad at Jacob, and Jacob was afraid to see Esau again, even after 20 years of being apart. But Jacob prayed for help, and Esau was able to overcome his anger. How can you use this story to teach children the importance of loving our families?

If you have time in class they can write note to their family members, if not you can send it home with them, just remind them that you will follow up and ask them how it went.

(Could print on colored paper)

Possible Activities

  • Ask the children what they remember about the relationship between Jacob and Esau (see Genesis 27:41 or “Jacob and Esau” in Old Testament Stories). Explain that after being away for about 20 years, Jacob was going to meet Esau again. Read together Genesis 32:6–11. How did Jacob feel? What did he do to get help? Testify that we can ask Heavenly Father for help when our family relationships are difficult. Read together Genesis 33:1–4 to discover how the Lord answered Jacob’s prayer.

  • Share a personal experience or a story from a Church magazine about how to show greater love in our families. Invite the children to share their experiences as well. What can we do when a family member is angry toward us? To learn about what the Savior has taught us to do, see Matthew 5:43–45.

34,786 views13 comments


Jennifer Jenkins
Jennifer Jenkins
Mar 20, 2022

Thanks for making such great stuff. I love that you have such great ideas for primaray. Thakn you.


Mar 06, 2022

I really enjoyed the lessons and activities you make for children in primary. Thank you very much.


Viviana Cacosso
Viviana Cacosso
Mar 05, 2022

Hola! Por qué ya no lo haces en Español? 😔

Mar 07, 2022
Replying to

no I’m sorry. I’m still looking for a translator that has the computer skill, and willing to do it for free.


Anne Ludlow
Anne Ludlow
Mar 01, 2022

If you take a screenshot of the color by number page, you can paste it into a word processing program (like Word) and it will print out. Thank you so much for making and sharing these resources with all of us!!

Mar 02, 2022
Replying to

Great! I will try that.


Florzinha Alves
Florzinha Alves
Mar 01, 2022

Bom dia irma,vc pode enviar em português para meu e-mail? lhe agradeço muito bjs e muito obrigada...

Mar 02, 2022
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