Underlined is from Come follow me- For Home and Church
Ideas for Teaching Children
I can talk to Heavenly Father through prayer.
How can you help your children make their prayers more meaningful? Consider showing them a picture of Enos praying;

For older children I would print in B&W and assemble it together, moving through the scriptures together as you move the strip of paper down. Talking about each thing, and Enos's faith to say a prayer.
For younger children I would sit on the floor with them and first talk about the picture of Enos, what is he doing? Why do you think he has that bow and arrows? Then read through the scriptures (Or tell it in your own words according to the scriptures) and move through the pictures.

let them describe what they see. They could then close their eyes and imagine they are talking to Heavenly Father face-to-face. What would they like to talk about? What might He want to say to them?
You could do this exercise with them and then let them record it on this coloring page.

As you read aloud Enos 1:1–5, younger children could pretend to be Enos by acting out hunting, kneeling to pray, and so on. Older children could listen for a word or phrase that describes Enos’s prayers. What do these words tell us about Enos’s prayers? Share an experience when your soul “hungered” and you “cried unto” the Lord (Enos 1:4).

This book was made by Mitzi at comefollowmekid.com click on the image to be taken to Amazon.

Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers.
How can you help your children understand that Heavenly Father will hear and answer their prayers? Consider inviting them to list some things they typically pray for. Then you could help them find what Enos prayed for in Enos 1:2, 9, 13–14, and 16 (see also “Chapter 11: Enos,” Book of Mormon Stories, 30–31).
Click on the image to be taken to this movie.
What were the results of Enos’s prayers? (see verses 6, 9, 11). What do we learn from Enos’s experience about how to improve our prayers?
Sing together a song about prayer, such as “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13). Perhaps your children could raise their hands every time they hear the word “pray” or “prayer” or another repeated word.
You can download the printable to this song HERE, but you need to know how to download and open a zipped file.
Tell your children about some of the ways that Heavenly Father has answered your prayers.
I can bless others when I listen to the Holy Ghost.
Mormon followed the guidance of the Holy Ghost to include the small plates of Nephi in the Book of Mormon. Everything we’ve studied in the Book of Mormon so far this year has come to us because Mormon made the choice to listen to the Spirit. How can you help your children learn about listening to the Spirit? Invite them to take turns reading the verses from Words of Mormon 1:3–8. You could talk about what they learn from each verse. Your children could then:
Share what they have learned from stories in the Book of Mormon this year (pictures from Come, Follow Me can help them remember).
This is a lot like my Youth lesson.

Sing together a song about the Holy Ghost, such as “The Still Small Voice” (Children’s Songbook, 106–7).
Talk about experiences in which they were guided by the Spirit to do something that blessed someone else.
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We use your site every week as we teach the 7/8 year Olds. You are awesome! Thank you 😊
"Your work is truly inspiring and has helped me a lot. Thank you!"
Thank you for all your hard work to provide some simple and beautiful ways to aid us in teaching our little ones. It's difficult to find free resources, so I just wanted to thank you for your generosity. It's very much appreciated! And your Etsy shop creations are the cherry on top to any lesson. Thank you!
Thank you for your lesson helps, I use them often! And thank you for providing them for free- it makes a huge difference.