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Come Follow Me- For Primary 2021, D&C 46-48, May 3-9, Free LDS primary lesson helps and printable's.

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: May 4, 2021

Come follow Me 2021, I can help others feel welcome at church, Gifts of the spirit, D&C 46-48, I can help others by sharing what I have been given, I can record my history, seek ye the best gifts, Free LDS primary lesson helps, Free LDS coloring pages and journal printable's

Come Follow Me- For Primary “Read D&C 46:5 aloud, and tell the children in your own words what this verse means. Show pictures of people from around the world. Ask the children which of these people Heavenly Father would want us to invite to our Church meetings.”

Attach the arrow to the picture with a brad so it can spin. When it lands on a picture of one of the children, ask the child/ren if that is someone they could invite to church. Continue till everyone has gotten a turn.

I can help other feel welcome at church. Free LDS primary lesson helps, Come follow Me 2021

Ask the children to imagine that a friend is coming to church for the first time. Help them think of ways they can help their friend feel welcome. Let them practice what they would say or do if they saw a friend walk into the chapel or classroom for the first time.

We just had our first live church last week. I was so happy to see my cute sunbeams. Honestly, I'm probably going to teach my kiddos this with the puppets and scenarios from a couple of weeks ago. My own children responded well to the lesson when we had "home church."

Just click on the picture to take you to the page.

D&C 46:13-26

Heavenly Father blesses me with His gifts.

The primary manual suggests watching this movie:

...explain to the children some of the gifts Heavenly Father gives us through His Spirit and why He gives them. If possible, show objects or pictures that represent each gift. Pause occasionally to ask the children how these gifts could bless someone.

For my little sunbeams, they need movement and fun to keep their attention. So I thought of this sorting activity.

Come follow Me 2021, Spiritual gifts sorting activity for lds children and kids, Free LDS primary lesson helps

Definitely encourage them to show you how high they can jump, or how they can make you laugh(:

Come follow Me 2021, Spiritual gifts sorting activity for lds children and kids, Free LDS primary lesson helps

Something I really would like to do with my primary class, is to call/text all the parents and ask them what their child's gifts are. I'm going to write down what the parents say into these little gift envelopes. There is a place for the kids names on a tag in the front, so the kids can find their own, then we can open them during class and read them.

Free LDS primary lesson helps, gift envelop

Free LDS primary lesson helps, gift envelop

Give a child something that can be shared, like a piece of bread or two toys. Ask the children to share what you have given him or her with another class member. Explain that Heavenly Father gives us gifts, and He wants us to use them to help others.

I'm worried I might not have time to do everything I want to do, so I made these name tags, for the kids to take their treats home and share with their families. I will prep them that they will be sharing their treats with their families, and then I will hand them out after singing time.

If we do have time I will have one bag ready to share with the class as the primary manual suggests, and then they can still take their treats home, to keep practicing their sharing.

Come follow Me 2021, free LDS primary lesson helps, Spiritual gifts

Come follow Me 2021, free LDS primary lesson helps, Spiritual gifts

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

D&C 46:8-26

Heavenly Father gives me spiritual gifts to bless others.

Write on pieces of paper some of the spiritual gifts found in D&C 46:13-26 and Article of Faith 1:7, and hide them around the room. Invite each child to find one of the the papers and search the verses to find where that gift is mentioned in the scriptures....Why does Heavenly Father give us spiritual gifts?

Print two on card stock for a matching game.

D&C 47:1,3

I can record my history.

Show the children examples of ways they could keep a regular history of their lives. For example, they can write in a book, collect pictures in a scrapbook, type on a computer, or make audio or video recordings....such as their testimony of Jesus Christ...

D&C 48:1-4

I can help others by sharing what I have been given.

Show the children a map of New York and Ohio

I made this in one of the first lessons this year. Just click on the picture to take you to the page.

....Help the children find in D&C 48:1-4 what the Lord asked the Saints in Ohio to do to help. Ask the children what they would want to do to help if they were living in Ohio at this time. What have we been given today that we could use to help others?

Read D&C 48:4 together, and invite the children to look for something the Lord asked the Saints to do to help His work. Explain that saving money would allow them to buy land and build a temple someday. What can we save money for so we can help do the work of the Lord?

I love these video's especially for teaching the whole family.

See you next week.




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Juanita Branham Schultz
Juanita Branham Schultz
May 14, 2021

These are great but what about the weeks ahead so we can print things off and be prepared to hand out to children?

May 14, 2021
Replying to

Go to the home page, you should be able to find it, it's there.


Susan Eck
Susan Eck
May 09, 2021

You're AMAZING and I'm in awe!!! Thank you for developing YOUR talents and sharing them!

May 09, 2021
Replying to

Thank you! I enjoy doing it, glad it can be of service to someone out there. 😉


May 08, 2021

The gifts that you have developed and are so liberally sharing with others are truly a blessing and a perfect object lesson of this week's lesson. Thank you so much!

May 08, 2021
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Ah! this is sweet. Thanks for thinking of that and then sharing it(:

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