Underlined is from Come, Follow Me- For Home and Church
“Stand fast in the faith of Christ.”
Do you want to lessen the power of the adversary in your life? One way is to follow the counsel in Alma 48:17 to become “like unto Moroni.” Consider making a list of words that describe Moroni as you read Alma 46:11–28; 48:7–17.
What do you learn from Moroni about “stand[ing] fast in the faith of Christ”? (Alma 46:27).
You might also study how Moroni inspired others in “the cause of the Christians” (see Alma 46:11–22). How would you describe that cause? What can you do to participate in it? How can you inspire others to participate too?
The manual is asking the youth to make a list describing Moroni and another one describing "the cause of Christians."....reading the same scriptures. So I thought of this idea 2 lists in one:
You board may start out looking like this: (Minus the words I wrote for you)

After you or the students read the verses record on each side of the board their insights for each group. It might look something like this:
Of course it will look different, it's all depending on your discussion.

Reflect on these lists that you have created, especially Moroni's list, what can we work on from that list that will make us more like Him and not give the Devil power?

This is included in the lesson bundle, but some like to purchase it separately.

One thing Moroni did to inspire others was create the title of liberty, which emphasized principles to inspire the Nephites (see verse 12). What principles are our Church leaders emphasizing in our day? You might look for them in For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices (booklet, 2022), “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” the Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood Quorum themes, or recent general conference messages. You could summarize what they are teaching into some simple statements to create your own title of liberty—something to remind you to be true to the Savior and His gospel.
See also Gospel Topic, “Faith in Jesus Christ,” Gospel
I think the youth would have fun scanning these QR codes and looking for things to add to their own title of liberty.

The printable's above are in my store, the rest of the printable's in this lesson are free.

Satan tempts and deceives little by little.
Satan knows that you aren’t likely to commit big sins or believe obvious lies. Therefore, he uses subtle lies and small temptations—as many as he thinks you will accept—to lead you away from the safety of righteous living.
You can tell this story to the students, kind of like this movie:
This movie was made for primary children, you are welcome to go to my primary section and get the printable, it is free. But I suggest doing something like this for the youth:
You can even assign a youth to teach this, give them a reading assignment ahead of time.

Look for this pattern in Alma 47, and ponder how Satan may be trying to deceive you. Consider these insights from Elder Robert D. Hales:
“The traitorous Amalickiah urged Lehonti to ‘come down’ and meet him in the valley. But when Lehonti left the high ground, he was poisoned ‘by degrees’ until he died, and his army fell into Amalickiah’s hands (see Alma 47). By arguments and accusations, some people bait us to leave the high ground. The high ground is where the light is. … It is the safe ground” (“Christian Courage: The Price of Discipleship,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2008, 74).
What do you learn from the video “Temptation Fades as We Seek Christ in Every Thought” (Gospel Library) that can help you resist temptation?
Object lesson:
Tell your students to pretend that Chocolate was a bad thing, that Satan wanted to get us to eat it and we are very careful not to eat it. Try putting different things in front of your students, if you don't have the food, you can use these pictures.
Look at these foods, they are actually healthy, with just a little bit of Chocolate. Don't they look good? You are so smart, you could probably just eat it once and then never do it again.

Look, you ate those and it didn't even hurt you. Now you've got to try something really amazing. And there is only pieces of chocolate in them.

Wasn't that good? And it didn't hurt you, you can stop anytime, but before you do you should really try this:

Before you know it you are eating a milk chocolate candy bar.
Like Elder Robert D. Hales says "By arguments and accusations, some people bait us to leave the high ground, The high ground is where the light is ....it is the safe ground"
Then eat chocolate chip cookies together and be glad that it isn't against the Word of Wisdom(: