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Come Follow Me 2020, Nov 16-22, Ether 6-11, free LDS primary lesson helps and printable's.

Updated: Dec 5, 2020

Come Follow Me 2020, November 16-22, Ether 6-11, Thankful, grateful activities for kids and children. The Lord has blessed me with, Thanksgiving song from the Friend, M&M skittles thankful, grateful activity, King Shule and King Heth, puppets, Free LDS primary lesson helps

Come follow Me- For Primary page 177

“Heavenly Father can comfort me when I am scared.

It must have been frightening for the Jaredites to be “tossed upon the waves of the sea before the wind” (Ether 6:5). But the Lord kept them safe and helped them. ”

This is a recycled activity from last year, but I really love the idea that those (who wrote the primary manual) had. I love that children get to write or draw out their fears, and then they get to physically see them being covered up when we have faith that Heavenly Father will comfort us. I think it is very powerful.

Ether 6:9, 12, 30; 7:27; 10:2

I can be thankful.

Free turkey thankful or grateful game for children. Roll dice and say what you are thankful for, like the Jaredites in Ether 6-11, Skittles or M&M's activity

(Only in Color)

I made this coloring page for those of you who really cannot print in color, but would still like your children to focus on what they are grateful for. They just write or draw the things they are grateful for in the feathers.

Sing together, like the Jaredites did, a song that expresses gratitude,

I love this song from the Friend

And one more Turkey:

Come Follow Me- for Primary page 178 “Read to the children Ether 10:2 to show that even many years later, the Jaredites remembered how the Lord had helped their ancestors cross the ocean. Help the children think of ways the Lord has blessed them. Then let the children draw pictures to remind them of these blessings.”

You can make your own feathers out of colored paper, which would be a lot cheaper then printing out all these colored feathers. But I put them here just in case. If you need a pattern to cut out feathers you can print this in Black and white onto your colored paper...does that make sense?

Share with the children about how you try to remember ways the Lord has blessed you and your family. Help the children think of ways they can be remind themselves what the Lord has done for them. Give them each piece of paper, and invite them to ponder and write down something He has done for them recently. Suggest that they make a regular habit of writing down blessings they notice from the Lord. (see "O Remember, Remember"

Ether 7:24-27

I am blessed when I follow the prophet.


Ether 9:28-35; 11:5-8

The Lord is merciful when I repent.

Here is a coloring page/ discussion page for older children. Helps show that those kings that followed the prophets the people were blessed, and those that didn't weren't.

Sing together a song about prophets, such as "Follow the Prophet"

You can print this Here

Remember how I mentioned last week that my neck hurt? It was just the beginning of aches and pains. I woke up early Friday morning thinking I was going to throw-up, but I didn't, I couldn't sleep because my stomach and chest were on fire. Then the next day I had a splitting head ache that would not go away, more stomach pain, I slept the whole day and still felt terrible. I wanted to go get tested for Covid-19, but it was the weekend, and the testing centers are so busy I can't go in till Wednesday, which just happens to be my birthday(: So we are quarantined. Thank you for all your nice messages you have sent me, you are awesome. If I could only tell you how much having this opportunity to serve has meant to me. It keeps me from thinking about myself. I seriously would be so depressed right now if I didn't have this in my life. I feel your love and my Heavenly Father blessing me. Thank you for your patience and kind words.



(sólo en color)

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Nov 17, 2020

You are both wonderful examples to be to get something out to my sunbeams after I'm done with quarantine. It kind of hurts my heart that there is still no primary. I think it's wonderful what both of you are doing. God bless you!


Nov 17, 2020

I am using your ideas through this time to do occasional zoom meetings on Sunday Mornings with my Grand Sons. Your ideas are wonderful and such a gift! I am old enough to remember only being able to make copies on the Church's Ditto Master copy machines, and only finding ideas in the Friend, so my appreciation is great! I am in awe of your ability to make these wonderful lesson helps. My Primary class (when I get to teach again) and my Grand Children respond so well to your interactive helps. Please take care. You and your family will be in my prayers.


Nov 17, 2020

Thank you for your wonderful ideas. I use them every Sunday. I also write a synopsis of the lesson to give to my primary class.

I am glad your feeling better. Neck pain is no fun.


Nov 11, 2020

Thank you Carol!

You are so kind. I'm actually trying to stay away from my family so I don't infect them. I still have plenty of time for sleep and Netflix(; Feeling a little better every day. Thanks again for your concern and prayers, you're so sweet.


Carol Seely
Carol Seely
Nov 10, 2020

I am so sorry to hear that you are ill! Please take care of yourself and your family as I am sure you are doing. I love all the posts that you share with us. They are wonderful but you and your family are much more important than anything else right now. Thanks so much for all that you give to us to use. It has made so much difference to my children and grandchildren. You are in my prayers:)

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