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Come follow Me- For Primary, June 14-20, D&C 64-66, Free LDS primary lesson helps

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

Free LDS Primary lesson helps, Come follow me 2021, Mind and heart sort, Forgiveness stories, free LDS coloring pages, All about Me coloring page, forgiveness object lesson, How do I know God loves me? be not weary in well doing, puzzle, June 14-20, D&C 64-66

Jesus Christ asks me to forgive others.

What object lessons or activities can you think of that would help the children understand what it means to forgive? As you discuss forgiveness, remind the children that forgiving does not mean allowing others to hurt us.

Put these situations on objects that are heavy, and read them to the children as you add them to the backpack. Have a child try on the backpack. Ask if it is comfortable. How would they like to go through life carrying it? Then go back through the backpack, and read the situations again, talking about how we can forgive.

Forgiveness scenarios and object lesson, Free LDS Primary lesson helps, Come follow Me 2021

Possible Activities

  • Read the phrase “ye ought to forgive one another” (Doctrine and Covenants 64:9), and ask the children what it means to forgive someone. To help them understand, share a few simple examples. Help them role-play these examples to practice forgiving.

There is a couple of ideas from the old primary manual Here

These are my favorites, I changed a couple things and drew some pictures.

Here is a cute movie put on by the church about forgiveness and friendship.

(Just click on the picture)

  • Sing a song about forgiveness, such as “Help Me, Dear Father” (Children’s Songbook, 99). What does this song teach us about forgiving others?

I can obey Jesus with my heart and mind.

The Lord taught the Saints that to build Zion, they needed to give Him their hearts and willing minds. Consider how you will help the children begin to think about what this means for them.

Possible Activities

  • Read to the children from Doctrine and Covenants 64:34: “Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind.” Repeat this phrase a few times, pointing to your heart and head as you read those words, and invite the children to do the same. How can we give our hearts and minds to the Savior? (It might help to explain that our heart refers to our feelings and love and our mind refers to our thoughts.)

Attach the images to two containers. Read the different stripes of paper and have the children choose if it is an example of giving our heart or our mind to God.

Sing a song about loving and following the Savior, such as “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75; especially verse 3). How do we show the Savior that we love Him? Share your feelings for Jesus Christ.

I feel my Savior's Love, free LDS primary lesson helps, interactive primary song

I feel my Savior's Love, free LDS primary lesson helps, interactive primary song

The Lord knows who I am and loves me.

  • Tell about how the Lord answered William E. McLellin’s questions through a revelation from the Prophet Joseph Smith (see Doctrine and Covenants 66, section heading). Testify that Heavenly Father knows us and wants to help us. Ask the children to share how they know that God loves them.

All about me free LDS coloring page. Come Follow Me 2021

This is a fun idea. Anyone who knows me is familiar with my obsession with packaging tape. I never laminate anything, who has time for that? With this activity I plan on covering this picture with packaging tape. I will draw a picture of a child in my class (with a dry erase marker) and drawing or writing in the heart, the ways that he/she knows that God loves them. then wipe it off and do it again for another child.

Free LDS Primary lesson helps, Come follow Me 2021, How do I know God loves me?

Free LDS Primary lesson helps, Come follow Me 2021, How do I know God loves me?

(You can also print in Black and white, for an individual coloring page)

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

  • Think of an analogy that might help the children understand how we are “afflicted” when we don’t forgive (verse 8). For example, show the children a bag of mud or dirt; ask them to imagine that someone threw mud on them. How might failing to forgive be like saving the mud and always carrying it with us? Why would it be better to throw the mud away? Help the children think of other analogies that teach why it is important to forgive.

Same idea for the Junior primary object lesson. Labels are at the top of the page.

Failing to forgive, is like carrying a weight with us. Free LDS primary lesson helps

The Lord requires my “heart and a willing mind.”

  • Show the children some things that are made up of many small parts, like a puzzle or a rug. Help them think of other examples. Invite the children to read Doctrine and Covenants 64:33. What does God want us to do to help Him accomplish His “great work”? What are the “small things” we can do that will help accomplish this work?

A puzzle! After you have put it together as a class or family you can read it and talk about it.

D&C 64:33, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying a foundation of a great work. By small and simple things

I know it is terrible that I am so late. but maybe you haven't seen G-pa yet.

gifts for grandpa, free gift tag for children to color. Fathers day free gift tag, chocolate

That's all for this week!




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