Ideas for Learning at Home and at Church
God has a work for me to do.
It’s one thing to believe that God had a work for Joseph Smith to do—we can look back on his life and clearly see what he accomplished. But have you ever considered that God has a work for you too? As you read Joseph Smith—History 1:27–33, think about what that work might be. How does it contribute to the ongoing Restoration of the Savior’s gospel?

I think it is important to show the youth in this particular revelation that Joseph Smith received it after he went to the Lord in repentance. I would defiantly study this and ask youth what we can learn from this. The primary manual shares this insight :
What can we learn from his example that can help us when we make mistakes? Why is it important to know that Joseph was called by God even though he was not perfect?
Also notice the added insight and knowledge we can receive as we turn our heart to God in daily repentance.
You may sometimes feel like the Lord can’t use you because of mistakes you’ve made. What do you learn from Joseph Smith’s experience in Joseph Smith—History 1:28–29? How can you know your “standing before [God]”?
I love it all!
I did do a little lesson of this in my primary section, it looks like this:
Maybe if you have younger youth they can relate to this. Click on the image to be taken to the page to print this, it is free.
Elder Gary E. Stevenson taught: “As we come unto Christ and help others do the same, we participate in God’s work of salvation and exaltation, which focuses on divinely appointed responsibilities. … These responsibilities are simple, inspirational, motivating, and doable. Here they are:
Living the gospel of Jesus Christ
Caring for those in need
Inviting all to receive the gospel
Uniting families for eternity” (“Simply Beautiful—Beautifully Simple,” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 47).
First that quote is awesome. I made a printable copy of it for you to share with your class.

Elder Stevenson also said this in the same talk: "You might view them as I do: as a road map to return back to our loving Heavenly Father."
WHAT!? All kids of visual opportunities await us with the one line(:
First, You will also be handing out 4 land marks to 4 capable youth before class. Make sure they understand they will be sharing personal experiences in today's lesson.

Next, Separate your class into 4 groups. Tell them that they are going to help you with your lesson. You will hand them papers like this:
These are free Prints.

They will read and record their insights on roads like this:

It will look something like this:

Be sure to study what the youth are reading so when it comes time for them to share you have some amazing questions to ask them and draw out further discussion.
As you move along your board will eventually look something like this:

The last pieces are optional, you can easily change the last question or even add more questions.
I highly recommend testifying of coming closer to our Heavenly Father as we serve Him and others.

This is the final board.

I got the gift tag to fit in this weeks bundle. YAY!
YES! I got the gift tag to fit in this weeks lesson bundle, but you can still purchase it here separately.

Ponder the experiences you’ve had participating in each of these divinely appointed responsibilities. What would the Savior have you do next? There is a Topics and Questions page for each of these responsibilities (see “Our Role in God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation,” Gospel Library). You might explore these pages to help you answer this question.
IF you have enough time you can watch this: