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Come Follow Me- for Primary 2022, June 20-26, 2 Samuel 5-7; 11–12; 1 Kings 3; 8; 11

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

Come Follow Me- for Primary 2022, Free LDS primary lesson helps and coloring pages, King David, I'm trying to be like Jesus, Steps to pray, children praying, President Monson, Object lesson for Senior primary

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

If I need guidance, I can ask Heavenly Father.

These verses describe how David prayed for guidance and direction as the king of Israel. How can you inspire the children to turn to God in prayer when they are in need?

Possible Activities

  • Explain to the children that when David needed help, he “inquired,” or prayed, for answers. As you read 2 Samuel 5:19, 23, invite the children to listen for the word “inquired” and to fold their arms when they hear it. Testify that we can always pray to Heavenly Father when we need help.

  • To help the children think about what they might say when they pray, you could ask them how they would finish sentences like these: “We thank Thee for …” and “We ask Thee for …” Let the children draw pictures of things they might give thanks for or ask for in a prayer.

This is a recycled activity, but it fits really well here.

Here is another one:

Also build this ice cream sundae a couple of times with the kids while you sing the song together.

I begin by saying Dear heavenly Father, Prayer building an ice cream sundae
  • Tell the children about a time when you prayed for Heavenly Father’s help. How did He answer your prayer? What difference did it make to have Him help you? Invite the children to share their experiences.

(Click on picture to take you to the church's website)

Here are some puppets you can add some popsicle sticks to and let the kids help tell the story.

Jesus Christ is our King.

When David was the king of Israel, the Lord told him that his “throne shall be established for ever” (2 Samuel 7:16). This promise referred to Jesus Christ, our Eternal King, who was born through David’s posterity.

Possible Activities

  • Invite one of the children to pretend to be a king or queen. If possible, give the child simple props to hold. What is a king or queen? What do they do? Tell the children that David was a king, and he was an ancestor of Jesus Christ, who we call the “King of kings” (Revelation 19:16). Help the children think of ways we can show that we believe Jesus Christ is our Eternal King.

Here is a fun King's scepter. We just got a stick from our yard and added beautiful junk to it. She loves it.

They can hold up their scepter with the picture of Jesus Christ, every-time they hear the word "king" in those songs.

I can walk in the ways of God.

For the Israelites, building and dedicating the temple was an opportunity to turn their hearts to the Lord and recommit to “walk in all his ways” (1 Kings 8:58). How can you help the children you teach “walk in all his ways”?

Possible Activities

  • Show the children a picture of a modern temple and the temple that Solomon built (see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Explain that when Solomon built a temple for the Israelites, he encouraged them to “walk in all [the Lord’s] ways” (1 Kings 8:58). Tell the children how the temple helps you walk in the Lord’s ways. Invite the children to share how they feel about the temple. Sing with the children a song about the temple, such as “I Love to See the Temple” (Children’s Songbook, 95).

  • Give some of the children paper hearts and other children paper footprints. Read 1 Kings 8:58, and ask the children to hold up the hearts when you say the word “hearts” and the footprints when you say the phrase “walk in all his ways.”

hearts, walk in His ways
  • Help the children understand that we walk in the Lord’s ways when we follow Jesus and try to become like Him. Ask the children what they do to walk in the Savior’s ways. You could sing a song about following Jesus, such as “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 78–79).

I'm trying to be like Jesus

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

Jesus Christ is our King.

The kings we read about in the Old Testament all had flaws and made mistakes—even the good ones. But the King who was prophesied to come from David’s line, Jesus Christ, is perfect and will reign forever.

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to read what the prophet Nathan told King David in 2 Samuel 7:16–17, and ask them what they think this prophecy might mean. How could David’s kingdom have no end? Help the children find and read scripture passages that teach that Jesus Christ, a descendant of David, is a King, such as Luke 1:32–33; John 18:33–37; and Revelation 19:16. How is Jesus Christ like a king? What are some ways that we can show that Jesus Christ is our Eternal King?

This puzzle goes on the top of the picture of Jesus. As you look up scriptures, and answer questions remove the pieces, leaving King David for the end.

King David, Free LDS primary lesson help

Sing with the children some hymns that refer to Christ as our King, such as “Come, O Thou King of Kings,” “Rejoice, the Lord Is King!” or “Jesus, Once of Humble Birth” (Hymns, nos. 59, 66, 196). What do these hymns teach us about what it means to have Jesus Christ as our King?

I can overcome temptation.

The children you teach make small but important decisions every day. How can you help them understand the importance of choosing what’s right even when it’s hard?

Possible Activities

Object lesson:

1.Ask a child to put their hands together, then wrap one layer of thread around their hands.

2. Ask them to break will be easy.

3. This time wrap multiple threads around their hands while doing so say things like, "this person was tempted to go to a party they shouldn't have, and they went." This person was tempted to use bad language around their friends and they did it." or "This person saw a bad thing on a screen, and clicked on it."

4. Now have the child try to break the thread.

5. Explain that when we walk away from temptation it is much easier to break the thread then when we don't.

Review 2 Samuel 11 with the children, pointing out the choices David made. Ask the children what good choices David should have made. What are some things we can do when we are being tempted that can help us choose the right?

  • To share an example of someone who, unlike David, resisted temptation, ask the children if they remember the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife (see Genesis 39:7–12). You might review this story with the children and help them compare it with the story of David. What can we learn from the stories of David and of Joseph about how to resist temptation?

This goes well with the theme of the Senior primary lesson.

I love giving produce as gifts in the Summer time.

(Just click on the picture to take you to my Etsy)

28,010 views6 comments


Florzinha Alves
Florzinha Alves
Jun 27, 2022

Boa noite irmã tudo bem com vc? Irmã não tem em português não ??? Obrigada bjs e uma ótima semana 😘😘

Jun 30, 2022
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Neil Larson
Neil Larson
Jun 26, 2022

This week's helps are very good, as each week is, but I took many great ideas from it for my 5-6 year old's. Thank you!


Mar Y Sol
Mar Y Sol
Jun 25, 2022

thank you so much!


Jun 25, 2022

Thank you so much for the lesson for June 26 for the older children. I think the 10-11 year old girls I teach will love the puzzle and thread object lesson. One suggestion: the pole or staff that a king holds is a "scepter" not a "sector." Easy words to mix up!

Jun 26, 2022
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Ha, yep thanks so much!


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