Prophets reveal the will of God to the people.
Helaman 7–11 is a particularly good place to learn about what prophets do. As you read these chapters, pay attention to Nephi’s actions, thoughts, and interactions with the Lord. How does Nephi’s ministry help you understand the role of prophets? Here are a few examples. What else do you find?
Start out by reading this together. This Print is Free.

Read it a second time while the youth place these signs on the board. It may look like this when you are done:

Then pass out these scriptures and have the youth decide what category it falls into.

these are in my store
with all the other board art

I've written these ones out, they are all over the scriptures, not just Helaman. I want to help students that struggle looking up scriptures or staying focused.

Your board may look something similar to this:

You may notice that they don't all fit perfectly, some verses fit in 2 different categories, and I wrote those out, for your reference. Also, some ideas for discussion.
The Twix gift tag is in the lesson bundle, but there is another option. This image will take you to my Store front.
Based on what you’ve read, how would you describe what a prophet is and what he does? Consider writing a brief definition. Then see what you would add to your definition after reading the entry for “Prophet” in the Guide to the Scriptures (Gospel Library) or “Follow the Living Prophet” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Ezra Taft Benson [2014], 147–55).
Did you notice how bold Nephi was in Helaman 7:11–29? Why do you feel prophets sometimes need to speak with boldness like Nephi did? Consider looking for answers in the section titled “Don’t Be Surprised” in Elder Neil L. Andersen’s message “The Prophet of God” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 26).
You can pass this around and have each youth just read a paragraph or mark it with a pen into the sections of how many are in your class.

Great questions! And a great way to lead into testifying.
With all of these truths in mind, ponder how the Lord has blessed you through the ministry of His prophets. What has He taught you recently through our living prophet? What are you doing to listen to and follow the Lord’s direction?
See also Gospel Topics, “Prophets,” Gospel Library.
I have chosen this section, because I personally want to teach the youth in my home this principal and do this activity. You can go by your own inspiration and needs of your students. These printable's are free.
The Lord wants me to remember Him.
How do you remember important information—like a family member’s birthday or information for a test? How is this similar to the effort that is required to “remember the Lord”? (Helaman 12:5). How is it different?
Helaman 12 describes several things that cause people to forget the Lord. Perhaps you could list them and ponder whether they could be distracting you from Him.
I want them to do a little translating.
You can pass out these strips of paper.
After the youth have made their modern day translations, put them in order so it will help the person who is reading it and replacing the words.
"Increase in there fields" can be a simple as: "they have a lot of money" or "they live in a really big house." I hope I didn't make it too hard.

Then make a list of modern day things that distract us from God.
What helps you remember Jesus Christ? What are you inspired to do based on what you learned?
See also Doctrine and Covenants 20:77, 79; “Reverently and Meekly Now,” Hymns, no. 185.