Underlined is from The Church of Jesus Christ.org, Come Follow me 2024
The temple is the house of the Lord.
Isaiah called the temple “the mountain of the Lord’s house” (2 Nephi 12:2). Why is a mountain a good symbol for the temple?
How would you explain to someone why we need temples? You could find some possible answers in 2 Nephi 12:2–3 and President Russell M. Nelson’s message “The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation” (Liahona, Nov. 2021, 93–96). Based on what you read, what does the Lord want you to learn and experience in His holy house? What experiences have you had there?
You can find the temple recommend interview questions on pages 36–37 of For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices. Consider reading each one and asking yourself, what does this question teach me about the Lord’s ways? How does it help me “walk in his ways”?
See also Gospel Topics, “Temples,” Gospel Library; “High on the Mountain Top,” Hymns, no 5.
Jesus Christ will redeem His people.
Despite the wickedness he observed, Isaiah saw hope for the future. Consider studying each of the following passages. Write one or more truths each passage teaches about our day: 2 Nephi 12:1–5; 14:2–6; 15:20–26; 19:2–8. Why do you feel these passages are important for us to understand?
Here is my idea, hand out these scriptures to a group of two or three students (depending on how many there are in your class, divide evenly). Tell them that they are going to play Pictionary... the scriptures they are assigned are the ones they need to draw, encourage them to draw something from every verse that they are assigned.
After the first group draws EVERYTHING they need to draw on the board, then they can let the students guess what they drew. It maybe hard and confusing, a lot like many of us feel when we study Isaiah (:
For Example the first group will draw things from 2 Nephi 12:1–5 it might look like this:
If they still don't know tell them the chapter, but NOT the verses. The students guessing can usually figure it out from there. They can read the scriptures that go with each picture, and the students that drew can explain their pictures and how they go with the verses.
Then you can ask the students what they think Isaiah means. This is when you would fill in with the doctrine, and things about the temple taught by the prophet, and from the manual. President Russell M. Nelson’s message “The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation” (Liahona, Nov. 2021, 93–96)
Ask good questions: Isaiah saw our day, why do you think is is talking about war? What is the thing that is going to help us walk in the light of the Lord?
You can spend your entire class hour talking about these scriptures, and if your students stay engaged, and you are focused on the doctrine that is totally ok.
If you do go on I would choose the third set of scriptures to go next 2 Nephi 15:20–26 because it is about how Satan makes things look good, which I think is very applicable for the youth. BUT pray for your individual students and their needs.
Let the students assigned to this scripture draw their pictures. It may look something similar to this: (I'm going to let my students write words, even though that is usually against the rules of Pictionary).
After the students guess and the other students explain their art, you can talk about these scriptures. What do they think Isaiah is trying to say?
Ask the students if they have ever seen how Satan has made something bad look good? Or how someone has put darkness before light? Also a really good question, how does this apply to your life right now?
Here are some object lessons if you would like to go more into this:
Bring two cans of pop, one is full and one is empty. Put the two pop cans next to each other and ask the children if they can tell the difference between the two. Eventually they will figure out that one has liquid in it and the other one doesn't. Tell them that Satan disguises things like this, making us think that we will still have true happiness even when we sin. For example when we lie of steal. Satan tells us that we will be happy, or won't have consequence, but we really do. Have the children think of other ways Satan disguises sin.
Then ask the children to step on the can that has soda pop in it. It can't be smashed. Then ask someone to step on the can that doesn't have liquid. It gets smashed. The liquid represents the Holy ghost. Show them how Satan makes things look good, but when we have the Holy Ghost we can tell the difference. Read 2 Nephi 15:20
It is fast Sunday. I'm leaving the cookie idea for those teaching from home.
OR You can also make cookies, and add too much salt. When the children bit into them they can tell that something is wrong. Share the scripture 2 Nephi 15:20. Talk about how Satan disguises things to make them look good. Then give them cookies that are made correctly and bear your testimony that if we live righteously we can partake of true happiness.
I like to end with a a focus on the Savior.
If you choose to have the students draw the last one or, you might not have time for a third drawing. If not just share the scripture.
2 Nephi 19:6–8
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of government and peace there is no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this.
8 The Lord sent his word unto Jacob and it hath lighted upon Israel.
My testimony: I am grateful for this God who gave us His son. He has the power to bring peace, but also more powerful than any government. He is mighty to save and he is on our side, in our corner, if we stay connected and close to Him by keeping our covenants.
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Your inspiration and lesson plan ideas are remarkable! I used portions of them in my lesson with the youth yesterday and I feel it was a success! Thank you so much!! I look forward to reading your ideas in the future! They are inspiring me. Take care!