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Come Follow Me 2024, Aug 26-Sept 1, Free LDS Youth lesson helps, Sunday School

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Aug 28, 2024

I can honor the Savior’s name.

Reading Helaman 5:6–7 may inspire you to consider the names you have been given, including family names. What do these names mean to you? How can you honor them? Even more important, consider what it means to bear the Savior’s name (see Moroni 4:3). How do you honor that sacred name?

If I make Jesus Christ my foundation, I cannot fall.

What does it mean to you to “build your foundation” on “the rock of our Redeemer”? (Helaman 5:12). How have you found safety from life’s storms in Jesus Christ?

As you read Helaman 5:12–52, identify how Nephi and Lehi were blessed for building their faith on the rock of their Redeemer.

There are a lot of scriptures here, I have an idea that might help them stay more focused, and make it a little more fun for the youth. Each character will take a turn standing in the front and reading their scriptures, they can change the words a little bit so it is as if they have taken on the roll of the scripture character. No acting necessary(: Here is an example of what you will be handing out to your youth:

This is in my store

There are 6 characters total

This is character has the longest scripture reading, pick someone for this that will do well with that, or alter it to just be the scriptures you would like the class to focus on.

This is in my store

There are 6 characters total

The girls can be the characters too, they are just reading.

Here are some of the cards. You can just print these if you are worried about your youth changing the words. If you have a younger class or students that struggles, and just want to focus on a couple of scriptures, then just circle the scriptures you would like them to read on the cards.

These are in my store

This is already in the lesson bundle for this week, but some like to purchase it separately.

For those of you who have a 3d printer, my son designed this to look like a rock.

Some people find it helpful to visualize what they’re studying. To depict Helaman 5:12, you could build a small structure on different kinds of foundations. You could then create a “mighty storm” by spraying water on it and using a fan to create wind. What insights does this give you about building your foundation on Jesus Christ?


What else do you learn from the video “A Secure Anchor”? (Gospel Library).

This is a great discussion to have:

Verse 50 mentions “the greatness of the evidences” that the Lamanites received. Reading Helaman 5:12–52 might bring to your mind the evidences that God has given you. For example, maybe “a whisper” from the Spirit has strengthened your faith in the Savior (Helaman 5:30; see also Doctrine and Covenants 88:66).

Go by your own inspiration, but for me this is the most important part of the lesson...except for testifying of Christ(:

Or perhaps you’ve been in darkness and cried out to God for greater faith (see Helaman 5:40–47). What other experiences have helped you build your foundation on Jesus Christ?

See also Russell M. Nelson, “The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation,”

Liahona, Nov. 2021, 93–96; Sean Douglas, “Facing Our Spiritual Hurricanes by Believing in Christ,” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 109–11; Gospel Topics, “Faith in Jesus Christ,” Gospel Library.

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