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Come Follow me 2024, Aug 19-25, Free LDS youth lesson ideas, YM and YW

Updated: Aug 22

Come Follow Me 2024, Free LDS youth lessons, Young Men and Young Woman, Free Printable's and lesson helps ideas

Ideas for Learning at Home and at Church

Having faith in God helps me overcome fear.

If it weren’t for their faith, Helaman’s young soldiers would have had good reason to feel afraid. But because of their faith, they had even more reason to be courageous. As you read about them in Alma 53–58, look for things that help you face your fears with faith in Christ. Consider focusing on the following verses: Alma 53:10–22; 56:43–49, 55–56; 57:20–27; and 58:39–40. This table could help you record what you find.

LOVE IT! Very interactive. Your board could be set up like this:

There are a lot of scriptures to read, and if your youth are anything like mine, they won't like that. But you can soften their hearts with this idea of a game. You should read Alma 53:10-17 or summarize these verses so the students know what is going on.

Then pass out these cards (mixed up) and have them read each to the class and put it in the right section.

I received some very good feed back that some youth struggle with dyslexia, or learning disabilities and really struggle looking up scriptures. I have two options, one where the scriptures are written out and all they have to do is read the words and sort them:

If you have more than 9 students, you can slice some in the spaces.

I recommend printing on card stock.

This is in my store.

I also really love having my youth in the scriptures. So I have this option of these cards too:

You may need to alter these if you have more than 9 students

Print on card stock

These are in my store

Or if you are strategic, you can mix them together, just make sure there are no duplicates.

This Print is Free:

This print is free

I'm not sure what your students will say or do, but here are some ideas what it will look like.

Come Follow me 2024, LDS youth lesson, YM and YW, free ideas

This is available in the lesson bundle, but some like to purchase the gift tag separately.

To win our spiritual battles, we also need the power of Jesus Christ. How can you access His power? Look for answers in President Russell M. Nelson’s message “Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 39–42). You might compare his counsel with things that Helaman’s soldiers did.

After studying these things, think about your own spiritual battles. Write down what you feel inspired to do to exercise your faith in Jesus Christ.

There is a QR code that the youth can scan. Kind of a fun thing I have learned with my class, if everyone scans it and you all push play at the same time, you can have a surround sound effect(: But only if the church internet is being nice.

This is in my store

See also Neil L. Andersen, “Wounded,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018, 83–86; “True to the Faith,” Hymns, no. 254; “Drawing upon the Power of God in Our Lives” (video), Gospel Library; Gospel Topics, “Faith in Jesus Christ,” Gospel Library.

I really liked this, I'm a sucker for a good object lesson(: Here are some free printable's to go with it, since you probably won't be boiling anything during your church lesson. Good thing the youth know what happens when you add an egg and potato to boiling water.

If I am humble, life’s challenges can turn my heart to God.

Put a raw egg and a potato in boiling water to help you think about how you can choose to be either “softened” or “hardened” by your trials. While your egg and potato are cooking, study Alma 62:39–51, and notice how the people reacted to Helaman’s ministry after their long war with the Lamanites. You could then compare this to how they had reacted to his preaching 13 years earlier (see Alma 45:20–24). How were the Nephites affected differently by the same afflictions? When the egg and potato are fully cooked, crack the egg and cut the potato. How did the boiling water affect them differently? What are you learning about how we can choose to react to affliction? How can you turn to God during your afflictions?

You can record together, and decide if they decided to be eggs or potatoes(:

5,496 views8 comments


Donna Carlson
Donna Carlson
Aug 28

Hi! When I click on the images with the ribbon, it doesn't bring me to the store. Nothing happens except the image gets enlarged with no links that I can see. Sorry to keep bothering you about this. I just want to figure it out so I can use some of these great resources. Thanks!

Aug 31
Replying to

No way, I thought it was great feedback. If you look at the future lessons the ribbon now has a link to my store front. It was meant to be, sorry you had to go through that for me to learn(:



Donna Carlson
Donna Carlson
Aug 26

Thanks for your great ideas! Where is your store? I don't see a link for it anywhere.

Thanks for your response! It's not letting me leave another comment so I'm editing my original one and hopefully you'll see it! I did see the red ribbon before and clicked on it multiple times, but it doesn't go to a store, a new screen just pops up with a picture of the image. Am I missing something? 8/26--Hi, it's me again! I saw your response, thank you! It doesn't go to a store when I click on an image. It enlarges the image but there's no option (that I can see ) to buy or print it.

Aug 26
Replying to

ok, this helps. You aren’t the first to do that. Some people think that will take them to my store, but do you see how it says to click on the images? Below that ribbon are images of things I’m selling, if you click on those it will take you to my store. My husband is a computer guy, I will have to ask him if it’s possible to make that take people to my store front some how. That would be fantastic 😄


Sue Hart
Sue Hart
Aug 22

Red, you are so creative and talented! Thank you!! One error here though- you have the same words for two different scriptures. Alma 57:20-21 isn't correct! You accidentally pasted 56:47-48 twice :-)

Aug 23
Replying to

Thanks Sue!

I got it fixed. I'm so grateful for people helping me out(;

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