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Come Follow Me 2023, Free LDS primary lesson helps, Jan 30-Feb 5, Matthew 4, Luke 4-5

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

Come follow Me- for Primary, Free LDS primary lesson helps, Jesus Christ invites us to be fishers of men, The spirt of the Lord is upon me, I can "chews" the Right, scenarios for avoiding temptation for children and kids, Free LDS coloring pages, and activities

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

I can choose the right as Jesus did.

Little children “cannot sin” (Doctrine and Covenants 29:47). However, the account of Jesus resisting Satan’s temptations can inspire the children to choose the right.

Possible Activities

  • Tell the story of Jesus’s temptations from Matthew 4:1–11. (See also “Chapter 11: Jesus Is Tempted,” in New Testament Stories, 30–31, or the corresponding video on At appropriate points in the story, ask, “What do you think Jesus should do?”

(Click on the picture)

  • Display a picture of Jesus Christ, and then describe choices a young child might make. Ask the children to take a step toward the picture each time you describe a good choice. Ask them to take a step away from it each time you describe a bad choice.

I recommend a church approved picture of Jesus, but if you don't have one, you can use this.

Here is some scenario's on gum-balls, so the children can practice "Chews"ing the right.

  • Help the children learn the words to a song about making good choices, such as “Choose the Right Way” (Children’s Songbook, 160–61). Use pictures, objects, or other visual aids that relate to the lyrics.

In sticky situations "Chews" the right

Jesus Christ is my Savior.

Luke 4:18–19 describes Jesus’s mission. How can you help the children appreciate what He has done for them?

Possible Activities

  • Read Luke 4:18–19 to the children, and explain what Jesus Christ was sent to earth to do (to teach us how to return to Heavenly Father, to comfort us, and to heal people). Share how He has done these things for you.

Here is a puzzle with the scripture. Some of the art is from the church's website.

Invite a few children to pretend to be confused, sad, or sick. Ask the other children to role-play what they could do to help them. Testify that Jesus Christ came to teach, comfort, and heal us and that we should follow His example.

I love this interactive Primary Song, and the focus on the Savior's mission. When you sing "He sent His son", you move Jesus from the cloud to the earth, and then on the Earth he shows what he does. The rest is flipping. If there is still enough interest or confusion(: I can see if my daughters will sing with me and make a video of it.

(Sorry only in color)

  • Show pictures of Jesus fulfilling His mission (see Gospel Art Book). Ask the children to describe what Jesus is doing in each picture. Also show pictures of people trying to be like Jesus (you might find some in Church magazines).

If you take time to print this out, don't throw it away. It is a good one, and I reuse it in multiple lessons. If your children are very young repetition is a wonderful thing.

Jesus Christ invites us to be “fishers of men.”

The Savior’s call, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19), applies to everyone, including children.

Possible Activities

  • Invite two children to pretend to be Simon Peter and Andrew as you read Matthew 4:18–22. Help the children identify what these men gave up to follow Jesus.

  • Let the children take turns telling the story from these verses using the picture below and in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families.

Zebedee stays in the boat while everyone leaves, but you will notice that as you read the scriptures.

Cut on the dotted line in the boat and slide the fisherman in and out as you read the scriptures.

  • Sing together a song about following Jesus Christ, such as “I Will Follow God’s Plan” (Children’s Songbook, 164). Help the children find things mentioned in the song that they can do to follow Jesus.

You can make a little fishing pole with a stick and a magnet, put a paper clip on the fish. After they catch a fish you can talk about how that is something we can do to be fishers of men. Or you can use it as a matching game, by printing two. Or you can put them all in a bowl and call it your "fish bowl" and they can draw them out. Lots of options.

  • Use this week’s activity page to discuss with the children how they can be “fishers of men” by following Jesus. You could also play a matching game with the activity page. Cut out two copies of each fish, place them facedown, and invite the children to turn them over one at a time to make a match.

Valentines is coming, here are a couple of ideas and gift tags, if you would like to get something for your children,

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

Jesus set the example for me by resisting temptation.

Even Jesus Christ was tempted by Satan, but He never gave in. How can you help the children follow His example?

Possible Activities

  • Make a chart on the board labeled Satan’s Temptations and Jesus’s Responses. Help the children fill in the chart using Matthew 4:1–11 and Luke 4:1–13. Ask the children how they can follow Jesus’s example.

  • Write down some scenarios in which a child might be tempted to make a wrong choice. Let a child select one to read, and ask the children to talk about how they could resist temptation in that situation.

Fasting can help me feel close to Heavenly Father.

Before beginning His ministry, Jesus fasted and “communed with God” (Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 4:2 [in Matthew 4:2, footnote c]). Help the children see how fasting can give them spiritual strength and help them feel close to Heavenly Father.

Possible Activities

  • Invite a child to read Matthew 4:1–2 using the Joseph Smith Translation revisions found in the footnotes. What did Jesus do to “be with God”? Share how fasting has helped you feel closer to Heavenly Father.

  • Invite children who have fasted before to share their experiences. How would they explain fasting to someone who has never fasted before?

  • Write questions about fasting (such as why, when, or how we fast) on pieces of paper, and place them in a bowl. Invite children to pick a question and try to answer it. What experiences can you or the children share about fasting?

This is covered in the fishing activity at the bottom of the page.

Jesus Christ is my Savior.

Ponder how the Savior has blessed your life. How can you help the children better appreciate His influence in their lives?

Possible Activities

  • Invite a child to come to class prepared to share the account in Luke 4:16–30. It might be helpful to use “Chapter 17: Angry People in Nazareth” (in New Testament Stories, 42–43, or the corresponding video on You could also show the video “Jesus Declares He Is the Messiah” (

(Click on the picture to be taken to the churches website)

  • Read Luke 4:18 while the children follow along. Ask them to create a list of things the Savior said He came to do. Invite the children to share examples of times when Christ did these things, either in the scriptures or in their lives.

This is in Junior Primary, but I think it would be great for Senior primary too.

Write on strips of paper the words “Because of Jesus Christ …” Give a paper to each child, and invite them to write how they would complete the phrase. Let them share what they wrote.

Jesus Christ invites us to follow Him and to be “fishers of men.”

There are many ways children can follow the Savior and be “fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). How will you help them see the good influence they can be on others?

Possible Activities

LDS free Primary lesson helps, Fishers of men

Update: Teenagers were so fun with this game, but they gave themselves a challenge. They had to stand 6 feet away from the fish pile. Everyone stayed back because they were swinging the pole and we didn't want anyone to get hurt(: I also went into deeper questions then what was read. For example if the question was "Because of Jesus Christ..." they read the scripture, but then I asked them how that personally applies to them and what Christ has done in their life. It was neat. Also, Dollar tree is selling fishing poles this week.

  • Invite the children to read Matthew 4:18–22 and Luke 5:1–11. How did Jesus’s disciples respond to His call to follow Him? What can we do to follow their example?

  • Show the children some fishing equipment or a picture of a fisherman. What does it mean to be “fishers of men”? What tools do we have to help us be fishers of men?

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Feb 25, 2023

You have incredible materials and helps to assist in our teaching and instruction.

HELP: However, these lessons do not align with the come Follow Me lessons. This weeks lesson for Feb 27-Mar🤔 5 is Matthew 8; Mark 2-4; Luke 7 "Thy FAITH HATH SAVED THEE". Do you have a lesson for this?


Feb 05, 2023

You have become so important to me lesson preparations. This blog is so helpful.Your ideas are amazing.I wish I was as creative but am grateful yo were blessed with tha talent and o willing to share! Thank you!

Feb 06, 2023
Replying to

You’re so sweet. Thank you


Feb 05, 2023

My class always loves your ideas leaving their parents and my presidency very impressed. Thank you!!

Feb 06, 2023
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You are the one doing the hard stuff. Bless you in your service.


Feb 05, 2023

I want to thank you so much for all of the time and effort you put into these lesson helps. Some of us are so busy with our schedules but still want to serve in our callings and teach these beautiful little spirits. We have very few kids in our primary and sometimes only 2 total to teach in the whole primary. Your games and stuff to color etc. are awesome. You help me so much. I thank our Father in Heaven for you every week for giving us amazing lesson materials. You are wonderful.

Feb 06, 2023
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Happy to help! Bless you for your service even though they are small in number. ❤️


Irene Tan
Irene Tan
Feb 02, 2023

Love your blog. You are an angel. You are talented. You are kind to share your ideas. You don't know how much you have helped me in the past years when I was like lost in some of the lessons. Thank you for the time and effort in creating this blog and sharing your ideas. The children in my combined Sunbeam and CTR 4 classes enjoyed the activities that you have created. Keep up with the good work. God bless. This picture is on January 8th. The children love the binoculars on January 22nd. I am excited to teach them tomorrow on the Fishers of Men.

Feb 06, 2023
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I dont Know how I missed this adorable picture. So cute! ❤️


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