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Come Follow Me 2020, Moroni 10, Dec. 14-20, Free LDS primary lesson helps, printable's

Updated: Dec 14, 2020

Come Follow Me 2020, Moroni's promise, Moroni 10, the golden plates, lds interactive primary song, gifts of the spirit, free lds primary lesson helps, free lds coloring pages

The primary manual suggests, showing the picture of Moroni burying the golden plates and singing the song "The Golden plates" (CSB 86). This is a fun interactive way to sing this song and teach some gospel principles that are hard for little ones to understand. May want to point out how Moroni came as an angel to Joesph Smith.

Moroni burying the plates, free lds primary lesson helps, free printable's, The Golden plates, interactive primary song, Come follow me 2020

The golden plates, interactive lds primary songs
The golden plates, interactive lds primary songs

Mitzi at gave these instructions for this fantastic activity:

3D Book of Mormon Activity (The Lord is Merciful)

· Read Moroni 10:2-3 “And I seal up these records, after I have spoken a few words by way of exhortation unto you. Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men…and ponder it in your hearts.”

· Do Heavenly Father and Jesus love us? (Yes!) What does it mean to be merciful? (to be kind, loving, forgiving, etc.) One of the most important things that Moroni wanted us to remember is that Heavenly Father and Jesus are merciful. They love us and want to help us!

· Cut out, fold, and tape/glue together the 3D Book of Mormon below, while talking about stories we remember studying this year from the Book of Mormon. How did each story show that Heavenly Father and Jesus love and help people?

· Tell them that there are 5 cards hidden of people we learned about in the Book of Mormon. Give them time to find them. Once they’ve been found, talk about them and put them inside the 3D Book of Mormon box.

· On the “The Lord is Merciful to Me!” card, have everyone draw a picture of themselves and remind them that the Lord loves them lots!

· There are additional blank rectangles. There are many things that could be done with these (draw additional pictures of stories we learned in the BOM, older family members write testimonies on them, write down favorite verses from the BOM, etc.).

Come Follow Me- for primary page 193 "Show the Book of Mormon, and read Moroni 10:4. Emphasize that we can ask God if the Book of Mormon is true, he will send the Holy Ghost to testify to us."

The primary manual suggest using "Chapter 54: the promise of the Book of Mormon"

Help the children understand what a witness from the Spirit feels like. Sing a song about finding truth, such as "Search, Ponder and Pray" (CSB 109)"

Come Follow Me- for Primary page 194 "Write the numbers 9 through 16 on separate pieces of paper, and wrap each paper like a gift. Let the children take turns unwrapping gifts. As they do read together verses from Moroni 10:9-16 that corresponds with the numbers, and help the children identify with each gift. Explain that these are gifts Heavenly Father gives his children so we can help each other do His Work."

Love it! But, if you are burned out from wrapping presents, here is one idea:

Just cut around the presents and attach the sheet over the top of the page with the pictures.

And a coloring page if you are looking for something simple.

Or you could use it for Senior Primary where it says:

"Write the gifts named in Moroni 10:9-16 on strips of paper, and put them in a gift box. Write the numbers 9 through 16 on the board, and invite the children to take turns picking a paper from the box and matching it to the verse number on the board. What do we learn about these gifts from verses 8 and 17-18?"

One more for Senior Primary:

Just finished my Christmas card. Hope you are enjoying the Holiday season.





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4 comentários

13 de dez. de 2020


That was such a nice comment. Thank you for making my day brighter. I love doing it and being able to serve others, it’s makes me happy to hear others enjoy it too. You also have a wonderful Christmas!


Katrina Myra Parry
Katrina Myra Parry
13 de dez. de 2020

I just want to take a moment to express my gratitude for all you do to provide amazing activities and printables for us to use with our family! I also appreciate that you have them up a while in advance, as our family works a week ahead :) Thank you so much! I hope you have a Blessed, Merry Christmas!!!


13 de dez. de 2020

Thank you and Thank you for letting me know. Hopefully I got it fixed so you can still use it in time. Have a great holiday season.


13 de dez. de 2020

Your resources are amazing! I use them every week. Thanks so much for sharing them.

PS The link to the coloured gift flap page is missing - it links to the under sheet instead.

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