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Come follow Me 2024, July 1-7, Alma 17-22, Free LDS Primary Lesson Helps

Updated: Jul 5

Ideas for Teaching Children

My testimony of Jesus Christ grows when I read the scriptures, pray, and fast.

  • How can the examples of Mosiah’s sons help your children build their testimonies of Jesus Christ? You could help your children find what the sons of Mosiah did to build their spiritual strength in Alma 17:2–3. Then they could draw pictures or find objects that represent these things. Help them plan what they will do to strengthen their testimonies of the Savior.

I can share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.

  • To learn about being an instrument in God’s hands, as the sons of Mosiah were, you and your children could look at an instrument or tool and talk about what it’s used for. Then you could read Alma 17:11 and talk about what it means to be Heavenly Father’s instruments to help people learn about Jesus Christ.

Have the students draw out of a bag or lay tools out on a tray like this, they can pick them up and talk about their jobs and what they are used for.

For older students I would bring real tools, possibly a hammer. Set it on the table and ask them if the the tool is any good with out a hand to hold it or use it? We need God's hands to make us great, and he needs us to do His work. When we are instruments or tools in God's hands, we can be the best kind of instrument.

Disclaimer: I made this little tool belt 4 years ago. To make it small enough to fit on a little waist, the words are quite small. I changed the font and made the belt a lighter color, which helped a bit. Additionally, I made a bigger version—check the pictures in the listing; it's large enough to teach with. Please keep this in mind if you decide to purchase it.

I got this harmonica from Dollar Tree, they have some fun musical instruments to choose from.

  • This week’s activity page has pictures representing truths Ammon taught King Lamoni. You could help your children find these truths in Alma 18:24–40. Your children could pretend to be missionaries and share what they know about these truths.

Ammon taught King Lamoni Gospel truths, Alma 18:224-40, Come Follow Me 2020, LDS primary lesson helps free prints

(Only in color, but you can put your printer on a black and white setting)

  • After you read about Abish with your children (see Alma 19:16–20, 28–29), they could pretend to be like Abish by running in place, knocking on doors, and telling about what happened in Alma 19:1–17. How can we be like Abish and share what we know about Jesus Christ and His gospel? Your children could draw pictures of themselves sharing the gospel with someone or sing together a song about sharing the gospel, such as “Called to Serve” (Children’s Songbook, 174–75).

Abish free lds coloring pages, primary lesson helps, Come follow me 2020 free prints

Abish free lds coloring pages, primary lesson helps, Come follow me 2020 free prints

I can help others come unto Christ by showing my love for them.

  • At first, both King Lamoni and his father had hard hearts toward the gospel. Later, their hearts were softened, and they believed in Jesus Christ. How did this happen? Help your children discover answers to this question as you review with them Ammon’s experiences. They could act out “Chapter 23: Ammon: A Great Servant” and “Chapter 24: Ammon Meets King Lamoni’s Father” (Book of Mormon Stories, 64–68, 69–70). Or perhaps your children would like to draw pictures of different parts of the story and use the pictures to tell the stories. What did Ammon do to help Lamoni and his father open their hearts to the gospel of Jesus Christ? (see Alma 17:21–25; 20:8–27; 22:1–3).

Perhaps you and your children could think of someone who needs to know about Jesus Christ. Help them think of ways they can be good examples and show love to that person, like Ammon did for Lamoni and his father.

Roll the dice, whatever it lands on talk about that service and how we can show love.



34,166 views9 comments


Allison Blood
Allison Blood
Jul 07

Thank you so much for these great activities! I come here each week and it helps my family so much!

Jul 08
Replying to

Yay! Someone teaching their kids at home. I love to hear this. Your children are so lucky to have you.



Teresa Walker
Teresa Walker
Jul 06

Not sure whether I should do this on Fast Sunday , or not. What do you think? They are 37 cents each from Smart and Final. I like the harmonicas better but they were ($1.25 each?) and we had 10 kids last week.

Jul 07
Replying to

Very creative. I struggle with this same thing on fast Sunday, but I think if you tell the students to not open them until they close their fast, or ask their parents, then you are good. We all got to eat eventually 😉


Teresa Walker
Teresa Walker
Jul 06

My 3 to 5-year-old kiddos loved your building blocks idea a few weeks ago (tried to recreate it for the picture below).

Since the blocks were so well-received, hoping we can combine them with hand weights this Sunday as they build their spiritual strength by exercising/role-playing the things Ammon and the sons of Mosiah did to build theirs.

After they do an arm curl and role play, then they can find the block with the corresponding picture and build.

Thank you for sharing your ideas, art, printouts, etc. They help tremendously

Teresa Walker
Teresa Walker
Jul 06
Replying to

🤗 I wish but thank you! I have some strong, very active 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old boys who are going to love lifting weights


Jul 04

You are the Best of the Best!!!! WOW you are So Gifted!! I LOVE EVERYTHING you do!! I look forward every single week to see the absolutely awesome, fun, inspiring and spiritual activities you always come up with!! Millions Love You!! Keep up this Great work that God has inspired you to do; for you are a blessing to so many of us!! We Love You!! 😊😍🤗

Jul 05
Replying to

Thank you for such a kind compliment. I really enjoy doing it.


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