First You can review General Conference with Bingo
This will not always be free, it was a lot of work, so grab it while you can. Let me know how it goes... or what changes I can make.
The idea is that you pass out the cards with candy to put on the spots. You as the teacher are not calling anything out. They can listen to their classmates talk about their favorite talks or quotes and mark the spots to get Bingo. They may notice that no one has talked about Pioneers or something similar that would help them get a Bingo. It is totally okay for them to look up a talk that was about this topic, and make a comment so they can win.
Great way to get everyone involved. Also, you can control how long or short this goes, by having the students clean off their board after every Bingo or keep their pieces on and keep going.
Downloads... There are a lot if you want all 20.
B&W 1-4 HERE
Color 1-4 HERE
B&W 5-8 HERE
Color 5-8 HERE
B&W 9-12 HERE
Color 9-12 HERE
B&W 13-16 HERE
Color 13-16 Here
B&W 17-20 HERE
Color 17-20 HERE
This is Sister Kacey Heap's idea from the Spanish Fork Heights ward. She took the cards to the copy center and had them add a side bar for Sisters to take notes. She is playing this for her lesson she is teaching this Sunday. I can't wait to hear how it goes.
Teach the Doctrine
Led by an adult leader or youth; approximately 25–35 minutes
Prepare Yourself Spiritually
Some people in your class or quorum may have strong, loving families that nurture faith and spirituality. Others may be alone in their efforts to live the gospel, and some may face contention and heartache at home. But no one in your class or quorum has a perfect family, free from challenges. And everyone has access to the power of Jesus Christ, which can heal and strengthen families.
The Savior wants to bless families. Sometimes the way He does this is through the love and example of a young person who is striving to follow Him and live His gospel. As you prepare to teach the youth about the power available to them and their families through Jesus Christ, ponder principles in Ephesians that can help us strengthen family relationships. You might also study “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (
Learn Together
After giving class or quorum members a chance to share what the Spirit taught them this week as they studied Ephesians, look for ways to introduce the topic of how Jesus Christ can help us strengthen our families. For instance, you might invite the youth to find and share passages in Ephesians that contain principles we can use to strengthen family relationships. Some examples might include Ephesians 2:19–22; 3:14–19; 4:1–3, 25–26, 29–32; 5:1–2; 6:1–4. How could the counsel in these verses bless a family? How have the Savior and His gospel been a blessing in our homes? Here are some additional activity ideas related to this topic.
I'm so excited about this activity, and I am so jealous of anyone teaching this.
First have the shapes taped to the board, start out by asking the students if they remember playing with tangrams when they were younger. If they never did take sometime to feel sorry for their childhood(: and show them by taking the shapes and building a rabbit like this on the board.
Then say, these Scriptures all have something in common. You can make something from the shapes that has to do with what is said in them. Pass out the shapes, invite each person (or groups of people) to read these scriptures and after the scripture is read you will write down all your guesses on the board. They might guess Jesus Christ and maybe say "that would be really hard to make Him out of Tangrams, look for something simpler." Talk about each scripture as it is read and what it means. After all the scriptures are read and all their guesses written on the board, you can tape the shapes back to the board. Let them try to build some of the things they guessed, if you have time. If not, build a home or a heart, or both, and tell the students that guessed those (or anything close to those) great job. Then asked how the Savior and His gospel has been a blessing in their homes?
Your board might look something like this:
Print on card stock and/or laminate with packing tape.
If you would like to discuss the commandment to “honour thy father and mother” (Ephesians 6:2), you might start by asking class or quorum members what the word honor means to them. Perhaps someone could share the definition from a dictionary or the Guide to the Scriptures ( Invite the youth to talk about how they might apply this commandment in their own lives. It could also be inspiring to explore how Jesus Christ honored His Father in Heaven and His mother, Mary (see, for example, Luke 2:41–52; Joseph Smith Translation, John 2:4 [in John 2:4, footnote a]; John 8:29; 19:25–27). What can we learn from Jesus’s example that can strengthen our relationships with our parents?
It might be helpful to talk about what materials are needed to build a sturdy house. What are some of the things needed to build a strong family? As part of this discussion, you might share this statement by Elder L. Whitney Clayton: “What matters is the interior design of the souls of the inhabitants, not the structure itself” (“The Finest Homes,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 107–9). You could also discuss the four suggestions Elder Clayton gave in his message for how to build “the finest homes.”
You can pass these out to the students and have them record the suggestions, or you can do it together on the board...I'm sure you can draw a home(:
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World” includes this promise: “Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.” How do the Savior’s teachings create the foundation for a happy family? The family proclamation and the scriptures under “Supporting Resources” provide examples. How can family members help each other live these teachings?
This next activity will look something like this:
Tape the picture of the family on the board. Pass out the rocks, you may need to print two pages so there is a rock for everyone. Assign the students certain parts of the Proclamation to the family. They can write on the rock key points that will help build a strong foundation. Then they can each have a turn sharing what they found as they tape their rock to the the foundation. "How can family members help each other with these teachings?"
You can easily do something similar if you don't want to print the pictures.
Perhaps class members could watch the video “Through Small Things,” in which three siblings talk about accepting their bishop’s invitation to think of ways to make their home a holier place. How was the family in the video blessed because of the actions of these youth? What can make a home a holy place? Consider inviting the youth to accept the same invitation that the bishop extended. To help them consider what they might do, you could discuss the question asked in the video: “What are you willing to do to have the Spirit in your home?”
Click on the image to be taken to the Church's website to watch this.