First lesson of the year, you might have a new group of students, or this may even be your first time teaching in a new calling. I created a video with 3 teaching tips to help your first lesson and the rest of the year go more smoothly. It will also take a big chunk of time out of your first lesson, but I feel like it is an important enough for setting up your classroom for the rest of the year that it is time well invested.
Here is the folder with these pdf printable's from the video. It is a zipped file.
Jesus Christ has restored His Church.
What do you know about “Christ’s New Testament Church,” which the Savior restored through Joseph Smith? Consider studying these scriptures and listing some features of His Church:
You can build this tower with these scriptures, it's actually really cool. Watch the video.

In the video I said the 9th Article of Faith, I meant to say the 6th Article of Faith.
Next, you could match the scriptures above with those below, which describe how Jesus Christ restored those features of His Church through Joseph Smith:
Why are you grateful for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and his wife once tried to imagine how they would have felt living before the Church was restored. “What do we wish we had?” they asked themselves. Read about their experiences in “A Perfect Brightness of Hope” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 81–82). How has the Restoration helped fulfill your spiritual hopes?
See also Topics and Questions, “Apostasy and the Restoration of the Gospel,” Gospel Library.

This week I could put the Black and white in it's own folder. Includes a gift tag in color.
This is already in the lesson bundle, but you can purchase it separately here.

“The promised Restoration goes forward.”
Have you ever thought of yourself as part of the Restoration of the gospel? Consider these words from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: “Sometimes we think of the Restoration of the gospel as something that is complete, already behind us. … In reality, the Restoration is an ongoing process; we are living in it right now” (“Are You Sleeping through the Restoration?,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 59).
As you prepare to study how the gospel was restored in the 1800s, you might start by pondering how it was restored in your life. Read the Restoration proclamation with questions like these in mind: How have I come to know that this is true? How do I participate in the Restoration today?
“The heavens are open.”
What does the phrase “the heavens are open” mean to you? What evidence do you see—in the Restoration proclamation, in the Church today, in the scriptures, and in your life—that the heavens truly are open?
You might also include “The Morning Breaks” (Hymns, no. 1) as part of your study. What do you find in this hymn that adds to your understanding of the phrase “the heavens are open”?
See also Quentin L. Cook, “The Blessing of Continuing Revelation to Prophets and Personal Revelation to Guide Our Lives,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 96–100.