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Come Follow Me 2024, May 13-19, Free LDS Youth lesson, for Sunday School.

Updated: May 14

Come follow me 2024, May 13-19, Free LDS Youth Lesson for Sunday school, How would you describe Noah and His people? How would you describe Abinadi?

I seriously need two hours to do everything I want to do with my youth(:


I have not seen my students for a couple of weeks, we are going to review everything they learned or should have learned with this map:

It makes all the difference when you can see the scriptures.

Come Follow Me 2024, LDS Youth lessons Free

Download B&W HERE Download color HERE you are going to need to be able to download and open a zipped file.

Don't FREAK Out because the map numbers stop at 9 and pick up at 15, there is a method to my madness. Watch the movie, it will help you understand.

I will be adding these map additions during our current lesson:

I can stand for Jesus Christ, even when I stand alone.

While you’re studying Mosiah 11–13; 17, look at the pictures of Abinadi in this outline. What do you learn about standing as a witness for Christ? In particular, you could focus your study on passages and questions like these:

My opening question I'm taking from the manual:

When have you felt like you were standing alone in defense of the Savior and His gospel?

I'd like to throw in a surprise. Mosiah 11:11.

"And the seats which were set apart for the high priests, which were above all the other seats, he did ornament with pure gold; and he caused a breastwork to be built before them, that they might rest their bodies and their arms upon while they should speak lying and vain words to his people."

With the chairs I want the students to build something that someone can lay on that matches the description in the scriptures. I might look something like this:

I'm going to ask them if it they feel like they can "speak lying and vain words" better when they are in this position? (:

Come Follow me LDS Free Youth lessons, 2024

Here are some cards you can pass out to the students. They will be in my store, with the art, but you are welcome to copy them if you don't want to purchase anything today.


Teaching helps youth follow the Savior’s example and become more like Him. Teaching also prepares them to become missionaries, parents, and leaders in the Church. When youth teach, they have to study the gospel and live it. They also have to have the Spirit in order to teach (see D&C 42:14). As a result, youth teachers usually learn more and gain a stronger testimony of the topic than those they teach.


When have you felt like you were standing alone in defense of the Savior and His gospel? How did He help you feel He was with you? As you ponder this, you could read the account of Elisha and his young servant in 2 Kings 6:14–17. What inspires you about this account?

Here is a video put out by the church about inviting then youth to testify.

This is the way I want to talk about it: We all remember the excitement of Alma escaping. Here is a picture by a really good artist. (I can't find who the artist is, if any one knows, please leave a comment) I want to ask my student what they imagine that was like for him to get away. Then show them this picture.

We also remember the exciting shock treatment that Abinadi did to the guards.

Abinadi Testifying before King Noah, by Jeremy Winborg.

But do we remember the words Abinadi said after he shocked the guards? The words that God preserved his life to say? Or his last words he said while he was being burned by fire? We often remember the exciting parts, but what was so important for him to say that he gave his life to say it? Then I want to take turns reading these scriptures. Mosiah 13:2–9, 28, 33–35; 17:8–10, 20

This is just me, but look at that testimony Abinadi had of the Savior, he really believed it to his core. That is what gave him the power. It's almost like when we see him in the next life and compliment him on his strength. He would say something like "Oh, it's just Earth life." When you really understand the will of God and love Him, there is so much eternal courage. But I'm not going to say that...the kids need to be the ones to discover this and I hope to keep asking the right questions to get them to a place where they feel safe to share or ask questions.

If that happened right now, today, what would you do? (Maybe not a King but some other form of government official, and not Abinadi was someone else testifying of Christ.) How would you handle it? Do things like this ever happen, when you do have to stand up for what is right? Do you ever have to stand alone?

You could also search pages 31–33 of For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices to find phrases that give you courage to defend the truth. Or you could do the same in the lyrics of a hymn like “Do What Is Right” or “Let Us All Press On” (Hymns, nos. 237, 243).

Here are some cards you can give to your students to read. I still like hiding cards under their chairs (:

How will you apply what you learned from Abinadi? The video “Dare to Stand Alone” (Gospel Library) portrays situations in which you can stand for Christ and His gospel. What other examples can you think of?

How is Jesus Christ both the Father and the Son?

Abinadi taught that God the Son—Jesus Christ—would be the Redeemer (see Mosiah 15:1), dwelling in the flesh, becoming both man and God (verses 2–3). He completely subjected Himself to the will of God the Father (verses 5–9). Because of this, Jesus Christ is both the Son of God and the perfect earthly representation of God the Father (see John 14:6–10).

Jesus Christ is also the Father in the sense that when we accept His redemption, we become “his seed” and “heirs of the kingdom of God” (Mosiah 15:11–12). In other words, we become spiritually reborn through Him (see Mosiah 5:7).

Why do you feel it’s important to know these truths about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? How does Abinadi’s testimony strengthen your faith in Them?

Can you tell what I am passionate about?(:

Active learning for LDS Youth, How to teach youth

Read and's not my favorite tool for active learning, but it is beneficial. And it's good to mix up the different teaching methods, to help all the students that learn differently. Here is a sheet that the students can use. After giving them some time to work on it, not all have to complete it. You can discuss it together as a class. And ask these questions:Why do you feel it’s important to know these truths about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? How does Abinadi’s testimony strengthen your faith in Them? If you have youth that struggle with reading and writing, you can form groups.

This is bundled in the lesson packet, but you are welcome to copy, if you don't want to purchase anything today.

2 on one page, for less printing, is also available.

I need to apply my heart to understanding God’s word.

King Noah’s priests were familiar with the word of God. They could quote passages of scripture and claimed to teach the commandments. And yet, their lives seemed unaffected by the Savior’s gospel. Why was that?

Think about this as you read Mosiah 12:19–37. What do you think it means to apply your heart to understanding God’s word? What words or phrases inspire you to make changes in the way you approach learning the gospel?

God’s commandments should be written in my heart.

Ponder Abinadi’s observation that the commandments were “not written in [the] hearts” of the priests (Mosiah 13:11). What might this phrase mean? As you read Mosiah 13:11–26, consider whether these commandments are written in your heart.

AFTER teaching these scriptures:

Ask your students if they know all 10 commandments..there is actually 15, one of the benefits of being part of our church(: Hold cards out like playing cards...only you can see them. When they say one in your hand you can give them the card. Until you are only holding the cards they don't know. Give them hints or let them read the scriptures where Abinadi talks about them (not all 15 are there). I'm going to give very small treats to my students, they get as many as the number of cards they have.

This in my store as part of the lesson bundle, but if you don't want to purchase anything, there is a free version in my primary lesson for this week.

Jesus Christ suffered for me.

In Mosiah 14–15, notice words and phrases that describe the Savior and what He suffered for you. Which verses help deepen your love and gratitude toward Him?

You will read while they create, unless one of the youth would rather read.

That's it for this week, tell your friends I'm doing YM &YW lesson now..heaven help me(:


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