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Come Follow Me 2024, Aug 5-11, LDS Free Youth Lesson helps

Ideas for Learning at Home and at Church

I can avoid sexual sin.

Alma’s counsel to his son Corianton in Alma 39 provides a great opportunity to learn about the devastating effects of sexual sin, including pornography. Perhaps more important, it can also help you understand the Savior’s offer of forgiveness and healing to people who repent. These questions and activities may help:

  • What mistakes led Corianton to break the law of chastity? (see Alma 39:2–4, 8–9). What were the consequences of his actions? (see verses 5–13). What evidence do we have that Corianton repented? (see Alma 42:31; 49:30; 48:18). What do you learn about the Savior from this experience?

I had this idea to do a visual mapping of this, and it is giving me Chutes and Ladders vibes(: Your board would look something like this:

After your discussion it may look something like this:

Aug 5-11, LDS youth lessons

The art for this is in my store, but you are welcome to create your own display if you don't want to purchase anything. The rest of the printable's are free in this lesson.

  • How would you explain to a friend why you choose to avoid pornography and live the law of chastity? What insights could you share from “Your Body Is Sacred” in For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices (pages 22–29)?

  • Consider watching the video “To Look Upon” (Gospel Library). Pause the video each time that David could have made a different choice. How are David’s choices similar to choices you might face?

This is great and shows King David while Elder Oaks talks.

See also Bradley R. Wilcox, “Worthiness Is Not Flawlessness,” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 61–67; “Pornography” in the “Life Help” collection of the Gospel Library.

This is Brad Wilcox's most amazing talk.

This is already available in the purchase of the lesson art, but some like to purchase it separately.

What will happen after I die?

Corianton had some questions about what happens after death. His concerns led Alma to teach the principles found in Alma 40–41. As you study, make a list of the truths you find about things like the spirit world, resurrection, and judgment. Consider reading these chapters from the perspective of someone who, like Corianton, needs to repent—after all, that’s true for all of us.

I think it would be a great idea to let the students draw/ map this scriptures out. You board may look something like this:

Come Follow Me LDS youth lesson helps, Aug 5-11

I can seek answers to my questions with faith in Jesus Christ.

Sometimes we might think that prophets know the answer to every gospel question. But notice the unanswered questions Alma had in chapter 40. What did he do to find answers? What did he do when he didn’t have answers? How can Alma’s example help you?

These are good questions and will fit in nicely after they have mapped out the plan, or stop them as they are reading the scriptures, point these things out, and ask these questions. Remember you are trying to facilitate discussion, not lecture.

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2 ความคิดเห็น

11 ส.ค.

Your amazing crystal!!!!! Love your lessons!

11 ส.ค.

Thanks Caitlin. ❤️ It’s great to hear from a friend 😉

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