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Come Follow Me, Oct 23-29 (Possibly Nov 5), Free Youth lessons

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Nov 3, 2023

Hello Friends,

I planned this lesson not realizing it was 5th Sunday(:

But I love it, and I feel like it applies more to the youth, my youth anyway. You get to go by your inspiration. I'm excited to teach this. Good luck with your lesson. I won't be doing a lesson for Nov.5.

Oct 23-29 Youth lesson, Free LDS Come Follow Me Youth lessons

Teach the Doctrine

Understanding true doctrine will help us avoid being deceived.

  • The members of your class are living in a time when it can be difficult to determine what is true and what is false. Timothy and Titus also lived in such a time, so perhaps Paul’s counsel to them could be valuable today. Here are some passages containing Paul’s counsel: 1 Timothy 1:1–7; 4:1–2, 6; 6:3–5, 20–21; 2 Timothy 3:13–17; 4:2–4; Titus 1:7–9; 2:1, 7–8. You could assign each class member to read one of these passages and share what he or she learns about the importance of true doctrine (see also Alma 31:5). How does the Savior’s doctrine help us avoid deception? Class members could also share experiences in which the power of true doctrine blessed them.

I'm going to start with the students trying to read this. It says Understanding true doctrine will help us avoid being deceived.

Why was that hard to read? Hopefully they will say things like: unclear or confusing. You might want to say something about Timothy and Titus living at a time that was similar to our time, it was hard to know what was true and what was false. Things were unclear. Then go into the scriptures. This is what I have done:

After this object lesson is complete read 2 Timothy 3:14–17.

That will lead you into this part of the lesson.

Studying the scriptures can help us overcome the perils of the last days.

  • After warning Timothy about “perilous times” to come, Paul testified of the power and importance of the scriptures (see 2 Timothy 3:1, 14–17). To begin a discussion about how the scriptures can strengthen us in difficult times, you could invite class members to review Paul’s description of the perils of the last days, found in 2 Timothy 3:1–7. Then they could search for and share scriptures that have helped them guard against perils like these (some examples are listed in “Additional Resources”). How has studying the scriptures protected us from troubles in today’s world?

  • Studying Paul’s counsel about the power of the scriptures could be an opportunity for class members to encourage each other in their efforts to study the word of God. Perhaps class members could read 2 Timothy 3:14–17 and identify the blessings and protections that come from studying the scriptures. Then they could share experiences when they received these blessings because of their scripture study. You could also give class members a few moments to ponder what they can do to have more meaningful experiences with the scriptures, both individually and as families.

David Butler gave a powerful suggestion. Every person in the class write down something they are struggling with, put the papers in a bowl, stir it up and have the students pick out a paper, and look up scriptures that help them with their problem. I absolutely love this! This will probably take the rest of the class hour, but I believe this is a really important concept to teach.

Maybe say a question they have or a question they know their friend has, write that on the piece of paper.

Be ready to help students look up scriptures. I usually go to gospel topics and search, but I think it's important for the students to see how to do this, so they can do it on their own.

That's all for this week, I actually get to teach, I am so excited! Sorry it's late, I will do better.

Here are the scriptures from this lesson.

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Kelly L Summers
Kelly L Summers
Nov 08, 2023

Wow!! This is all so incredible, thank you for putting in so much time to help people like me who are new at a teaching calling, who have no ideas on where to begin to make the lesson exciting and fun!! I teach YW this Sunday for the first time, and was wondering if you will have something here for Nov 12th? once again, thank you for all you do! Amazing!

Nov 08, 2023
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I’m planning on it. Funny thing is this youth lessons my brain needs to marinate 😆 and that usually means I post later. But I’m hoping to have it up tomorrow evening.


Kristin Stallings
Kristin Stallings
Nov 05, 2023

I am so excited to share this tomorrow, thank you. This is what the kids in my class need.


Julia Dyches
Julia Dyches
Nov 03, 2023

Do you by chance have a youth Sunday School lesson for Oct 30 -Nov 5 , Hebrews 1-6?

Nov 03, 2023
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Actually I looked at the lesson, I'm teaching this week and I feel like week Oct 23-29th applies more to my youth. So that is what I'm going with. So I won't be doing Nov 5th lesson, good luck with your lesson.

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