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Come Follow Me- for Primary, Feb 7-13, Genesis 12-17, Free LDS primary lesson helps.

Writer's picture: redwallaceredwallace

Updated: Feb 16, 2022

Come follow me for primary 2022, free LDS primary lesson helps, peacemaker, I will lead thee by the hand, Abraham and Sarah, Free LDS coloring pages

Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

Jesus Christ can lead me by the hand.

Abraham wanted to be righteous even though members of his family were wicked. The Lord said to him, “I will lead thee by my hand” (Abraham 1:18). Just as God promised to help Abraham, He can lead the children you teach when they desire to choose the right.

Possible Activities

  • Read to the children Abraham 1:18 and 2:8, and invite the children to listen for a part of the body that is mentioned in both verses. How would it feel to have Jesus Christ lead us by the hand or to have His hand protecting us? Testify that Jesus leads us by guiding us through His Spirit.

  • Use “Abraham and Sarah” (in Old Testament Stories) to help the children understand that people around Abraham were doing bad things, but Abraham wanted to do what was right and the Lord helped him. How do Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ help us when we try to choose the right? Sing a song related to this principle, such as “Teach Me to Walk in the Light” (Children’s Songbook, 177).

(Click on the picture to take you to the churches website where you can watch this.)

  • Show several pictures of the Savior (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 38, 39, 40, and 41), and help the children see things that He did with His hands. What can we do with our hands to help others?

I can be a peacemaker.

When Abraham’s herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen disagreed over their grazing land, Abraham proposed a solution that brought peace. You can use this example to inspire the children to be peacemakers.

Possible Activities

  • Share with the children the story from Genesis 13:5–12, and invite them to act it out. Let the children take turns pretending to be Abraham, his nephew Lot, and the herdsmen.

Here are some masks to help enhance the pretending.

  • Suggest ways they can follow Abraham’s example of being a peacemaker, such as taking turns with a toy when playing with a friend. Invite them to role-play these examples.

Put these pictures on opposite sides of the room. When you read a scenario have the children choose which one it is by moving to the side of the room.

Peacemaker or a peace breaker, free LDS primary lesson helps

Read Matthew 5:9, and explain that Jesus wants us to be peacemakers. Help the children think of what they can do to be peacemakers at home or with friends. Invite them to draw a picture of themselves being a peacemaker. Ask the children to share how they feel when they are peacemakers like Jesus Christ.

It is important to keep my promises.

Learning about the covenant that God made with Abraham and Sarah can help the children understand what it means to keep promises. It can also help them prepare to make and keep covenants.

Possible Activities

  • Ask the children if they know what a promise or covenant is. Invite them to share experiences when they made a promise or someone made a promise to them. If it’s helpful, share some examples of your own. Help the children understand that Abraham and Sarah promised to obey God. Choose a few phrases from Genesis 15:1–6; 17:1–8; Abraham 2:9–11 to share some of the blessings God promised to them. These might include “Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield,” “Thou shalt be a father of many nations,” or “All the families of the earth [shall] be blessed.”

Abraham and Sarah promised to obey God, Genisis 17:1-2 Abraham, Come follow me LDS free coloring page

What are some simple promises the children could make and keep during class? For instance, ask them to promise to stay in their seats for a few minutes or put away their chairs at the end of class. Share with them a time when you made a promise and kept it, and invite them to share any experiences they have had. Help them understand that they will make promises with Heavenly Father when they are baptized and when they go to the temple.

Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers.

When Abraham’s life was in danger, he called on God and was rescued. The children you teach may have their own experiences with prayer they can share.

Possible Activities

  • Display the picture An Angel Saves Abraham (, and invite the children to share what they know about the story it depicts, found in Abraham 1:12, 15–17. Ask the children to read these verses and share things they learn about prayer.

  • Invite the children to share experiences when Heavenly Father answered their prayers, and share one of your own experiences.

I can be a peacemaker.

We all face situations that tempt us to become frustrated and contentious. Consider how the story of Abraham and Lot could help the children be peacemakers in such situations.

Possible Activities

  • Write Main Characters, Setting, Problem, and Solution on the board. Invite the children to read Genesis 13:5–12 and identify the parts of the story listed on the board. Help the children think of situations when they could be peacemakers, such as when someone argues or tries to fight. Then invite them to role-play how they could be peacemakers in those situations.

  • Help the children find the topics “Peace” and “Peacemaker” in the Guide to the Scriptures ( Invite each child to select a scripture about peace and share what he or she learns with the class. Help them think of some examples of the Savior being a peacemaker, such as in Luke 22:50–51. How can we follow His example?

Object lesson!

Bring two candy bars a Almond joy and a Kit Kat. Invite two children to the front of the class and tell them you have two candy bars. And say who wants the Almond joy? Who wants the Kit kat?...most likely they will both want the kit kat.

Explain how this was how the land was in the story of Abraham and Lot, and Abraham was a peacemaker and gave Lot the better land. After cut up the and share the kit kat. Or bring a Kit kat for everyone.

I can keep the covenants I make with Heavenly Father.

Teaching the children about the covenant God made with Abraham and Sarah can help them think about their own covenants.

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to read Genesis 17:1–8 and Abraham 2:8–11 and make two lists: what Abraham was asked to do and what the Lord promised him in return. What do we learn about the Lord from these verses?

What Abraham was asked to do? What the Lord promised him in return, Free LDS primary lesson helps

  • Show a picture of someone getting baptized (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 103, 104). Ask the children to list the promises a person makes at baptism and the promises God makes in return. Suggest that the children look in Mosiah 18:10; Doctrine and Covenants 20:37, 77, 79 for help. What can we do to keep the covenants we made at baptism?

Encourage Learning at Home

Send a note home with the children to encourage their family members to notice when the children are being peacemakers, keeping promises, or doing something else you talked about in class.

I can choose to be a peacemaker, girl free LDS coloring pages
I can choose to be a peacemaker, boy free LDS coloring pages

This years Come follow Me scripture, is also great for Valentines day.

Just click on the picture to take you to my etsy.

Hope you have a great day.



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Feb 13, 2022

I'm so happy to have found your site! I have the 4 year olds and struggle with activities to keep them engaged, especially learning the Old Testament. This is going to be so much fun! :)

Feb 13, 2022
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YAY! I'm so glad.


Karen Sulzen
Karen Sulzen
Feb 13, 2022

Love everything. Bought the gift tag. Thank you!

Feb 13, 2022
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Ah, thanks so much Karen.


Shauna Hiram
Shauna Hiram
Feb 08, 2022

Thank you! The masks were a hit at FHE!

Feb 08, 2022
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