Mitzi at had a fantastic idea this week, so I'm going to start with that.
If you can get through all the cards this game seriously teaches the entire primary manual lesson...and more(: There are blank cards available if you are playing with a large group of people, so you can make your own questions.
Print Colored game board Here. .
Print B&W game board Here
Print page 1 of questions Here
Print page 2 of questions and colored barges Here
B&W barges Here
Print blank question squares Here
(For those of you who love a download, I'm sorry I have too many people who can't figure it out. Hope this is still ok.)
If you don't like the game board and would like to change it, instead of printing, download it and send it to a copy center, they can pretty much change anything there. Just please don't sale anything you take from here.
Baixar Português aqui:
Before you play this game be sure to tell the story of the Brother of Jared. Or you can watch this put out by the church:
First the story of the tower of Bable
Come Follow Me- For Primary page 173 "Invite the children to build a barge, as described in Ether 2:16-17. Explain the problems the Jaredites had with their barges (see Ether 2:19), and ask the children what they would do about these problems. Read Ether 2:18-19 to teach the children how the brother of Jared took his problems to the Lord in prayer. Testify that we can always pray when we have questions or problems.
I got this picture from
Because I have some older children that would really like the technicality of the barges. We are using this as our plan for building our barges.
I'm just going to glue the plate and large bowl together, then let my kids do the rest.
They are going to have to cut some holes in it, and I thought it would be super fun to get some small rocks and paint them with glow in the dark paint, and drop them into the barge.
They can color and paint there barges too. I will take pictures when it is done.
Come Follow Me-For Primary "...Explain how the Lord responded to the brother of Jared's questions about barges. Place 16 stones throughout the classroom, and invite the children to count them as they find them."
Come follow Me- For Primary page 174 "Show a picture of the Savior, and invite the children to point to various parts of his body. Read Ether 3:13 and 15, and explain that when the brother of Jared saw Jesus Christ, he learned we all look like Jesus. As you point to a body part in the picture, invite them to point to the same part on their own bodies. Testify that we were created to look like our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ."
Here is a recycled activity that teaches this principle, and it's from the family proclamation.
I'm sorry, this is all I can do, my neck kind of hurts from all the drawing I did for the game board. Those fun ocean swirls made me happy, but also made me hurt. But, I love it! Go check it out, it's really the best part of this weeks lesson plan.
Have a great week.
Hey wonderful work in pakistan we are doing Book of Mormon come follow me anyone can sent me about the Book of Mormon stuff would be appreciated
Ah! This makes me happy! You are very welcome. 🥰
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WHAT YOU OFFER!!!! I found you just over the past couple months and I've found that I can ALWAYS count on finding something that is so useful for our family every week. THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING YOUR TALENTS TO ALL OF US FOR FREE!!!!! Seriously, thank you.
Você é tão fofo. Eu me perguntei por que estava sentindo uma dor por todo o meu corpo. Fiquei muito doente neste fim de semana. Eu acredito que sou o vírus desagradável. Então, estou em quarentena. A boa notícia é que tenho esse serviço para manter minha mente longe de mim. E posso fazer isso sem me preocupar em deixar mais alguém doente. Obrigado pelas suas palavras gentis.
Vou te escrever em português, espanhol e inglês! mas em português é melhor!, Nossa vc está de parabéns!!! Se esforço demaiiis! Amei o jogo!
Muchas felicidadeees, te quedó padrísimoo!
Congratulations!! I loved this activity for the kids!! I thank u so much for all your effort, the kids they really enjoy all your drawings, they loved it! I hope your neck doesn't hurt anymore and that you can really feel our love and admiration!!!